10. Shallow

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I opened the door to my walk-in-closet and sighed once I saw all the work I had ahead. Where should I start?

I went to the very back of the little room and got a small tabourete that allowed me to reach the higher drawers. Standing up on it, I opened the door of an old wardrobe that was on top where I kept some clothes that were either too small for me to wear them anymore or were old-fashioned. I got the big box with all the clothes and carefully put it down on the floor. I kneeled next to it and lifted the dusty-covered lid. I coughed a little when a cloud of dust formed and quickly waved it away with my hand, resting the lid on the floor. This must have been there since God knows when. I started examining the contents of the dark brown box. There were mainly t-shirts and pants that could fit from age 3 to 10. There were also some blouses and a dress from my first year of high school. I folded everything neatly inside again and closed the box, taking it out of my closet to my bedroom. I was gonna get back to my search when someone knocked on my door.

“Coming!” I yelled and walked to the door, dodging the obstacles lying on my bedroom floor.

I opened the door, revealing my mom already full dressed and with her hair and makeup done.

“Good morning Brooke.” She said smiling at me.

“Morning.” I said cheerfully and opened the door wider to let her in. I was trying to be extra nice because I didn’t know my punishment yet. “Why are you all dressed up mom?”

“The Hallbert’s arranged a brunch for today and your dad and I are going.” She informed me with a wide smile. “But don’t worry, Nate won’t be there so you won’t miss anything good.” She winked at me, nudging me with her elbow.

I blushed. “Mom!” She laughed.

“What are you doing, by the way?” My mom asked, glancing around my room in confusion to pose her eyes on me at the end.

“Um, I’m just gathering some old clothes that I’m not using anymore to give them away, you know. I was thinking about taking them to the church next street.” I mentally high-fived myself for the great lie. I’m becoming an expert at this.

“That’s a great idea!” She exclaimed. “I will give you some things to take too.” She beamed and disappeared from my room.

I went back inside my closet and picked a pair of trainers I had used only once (I’m not that fond of sports). I found a blue hoodie with the word ‘Unicorn’ plastered on the front and a horn coming out from the ‘o’ and decided I should get rid of that too. I don’t even remember wearing it. I found a couple other things and put everything in a big bag.

“I’m not gonna use these anymore.” My mother announced coming inside my room with a huge bag. She dropped it next to everything else I had put there. It’s gonna be difficult to carry all of this by myself.

“Perfect. I’ll take them after I have a shower.” I nodded contently.

“About that. Your dad and I have been talking and we decided you’re grounded for a week.”

My mouth opened as wide as the door. “What?!”

“You’ll only leave the house to go to school and to pick your brother up from soccer but no going out until next weekend.” She said in a serious tone.

“But I already explained everything to you. I didn’t do anything wrong.” I complained, getting on my nerves. She can’t be serious.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t start complaining unless you want to add another week.” She warningly pointed her finger at me, like she always does.

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