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Ji hyo's smile faded away and a look of disbelief came upon her face.

" Mwoh??!! Me??" Ji hyo said pointing to herself.

" Ji hyo, I love you, I'm in love with you! I have always loved you. Do you know how much I wanted you. I had to control my feelings for you when we were on Running Man. I wanted to let you know how I felt long time ago. On the day I had to leave the show (ep.41) I was going to tell you but, Kang Gary was talking with you that night so I never go to tell you."

" Joong ki.... I'm flattered that you have feelings for me but-" she was cut off. Joong Ki kissed ji hyo because he didn't want to hear her response and also he wanted to kiss her.

Gary who was watching the situation ran over to the two and got him off of Ji Hyo and punched him in the face.

" Are you crazy!! How dare you touch me!" Joong Ki said touching his lip. He then got back up to hit Gary but missed. Gary was about to throw another punch but Ji hyo stood in front of him and put his hands on his face and kissed him. Luckily not many people were around to see who they were so they wouldn't end up on the news.

Joong Ki was shocked and angry.

" Ji hyo,  why are you kissing him??!?!" he yelled.

" I'm dating him Joong Ki. I was going to tell you today but......" She stopped her sentence.

" This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. Ji hyo, just come to me and I can treat you better than hyung!"

Gary tried his best to control his anger.

" Joong Ki, Gary is great and I can't ask for anyone better so you need to stop right there before that mouth of yours get you into more trouble. I don't want us to become enemies over this. There is other women out there for you. If I was meant to be with you, it would've happened already, but I'm not. I'm truly sorry for this. I love you but, not in that way. We'll be leaving now. Call me when you're calmed down and maybe we can discuss some things."

Ji hyo grabbed Gary's hand and went back to the restraunt.

" Now Gary oppa, were you following us the whole time?"

" Well at first, I was just going to my studio when I seen you and Joong Ki at the restraunt."

"So is it that you don't trust me Oppa?"

" Aniyah,  I don't trust him. I didn't want him to do anything to you, so I followed you guys and thats when he did what I didn't want him to do."

" Oppa, I could've handled it myself you know."

" If I wasn't there, you would probably have killed him for doing that to you."

"Well there are just some things that you don't do."

" This is why I love you."

"Aww, I love you too."

"Ji hyo, I really have to go to the studio, so do you want to have dinner at my place tonight?"

" Of course!"

" I'll pick you up at 7 then."

"Alasso, Oppa. I'll see you later then."

They kissed each other goodbye and went their seperate ways. But someone was watching them the whole time and took pictures of them.

" Let's just see what you are willing to do to protect each other."

This person was none other than Song Joong ki.

*Few hours later*

" Ji hyo, I'm on my way to pick you up. Be ready in ten okay?"

" Okay oppa."

When Gary got to her place, she was already standing outside waiting for him.

" Gaelly, Gaelly!"

"Monj Ji, Mong ji!"

"I never get tired of that." They both said simutaneously. They looked at each other and laughed. As Gary was driving off, someone was following them.

" Ah, Noona, you really have no taste in men." Joong Ki said out loud.

When they arrived in Gary's apartment, he told Ji hyo to make herself at home and watch tv until he was done cooking dinner. Gary cooked steak, and gravy with a side of potatoes, string beans and broccoli smothered in melted cheese. Ji hyo loved the taste of Gary's cooking.

" Oppa, its so good."

Gary smiled as Ji hyo complimented him. Just then his doorbell rung. They both looked at each other, wondering who it could be. When Gary went to answer the door, no one was there.

" Its a box. " he said.

" Whats in it, Oppa?"

When Gary opened up the box, he gasped as he seen pictures of him and ji hyo together and locking lips.

" Oppa Waeyo? " Ji hyo got up to see what he was staring at and she put her hand over her mouth as she was shocked to see the pictures.

" Who sent this??!"

" I don't know Ji hyo but, whoever it is, they know about us." Inside the box was a note under the pictures. It read:

"How far are you willing to go to protect each other?"

Ji hyo held Gary's hand tightly as she held on to his arm.

" Oppa, I'm afraid something might happen." she said sounding worried.

" It's going to be okay, I won't let that happen."

So Joong Ki is on some psycho lover type ish but anyways, I'm going to start doing dedication chapters and shout outs to the first five comments on each chapter. I'm going to go ahead and dedicate this to Poisedon86.  Thanks for your support!!!!!

Guys comment and vote for this. Sorry if I mispelled anything or have any grammar errors. Thanks guys

- JayBird98

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