"Exes are meant to stay in the past."
"They are meant to be 'forgotten'."
Then why am I keep getting dragged towards him, again and again.
Why doesn't he just let me go!
"My little Moon."
"Why do you call me 'Moon'?"
My eyes involuntarily made their...
We finally reached home. After parking our car, I glanced beside me at a sleeping Avni.
She looked so calm and innocent sleeping, and honestly, maybe its the only time she rests her mouth.
I smiled, as I gently sway her in an attempt to wake her up. She scrunched her eyes before fluttering open them. "We reached home." I almost whispered to her.
She stretched out her arms, "So what are you waiting for? Pick me up and take me into the house." I snickered, as I went to her side picking her up and getting her into the place.
"Next time, don't even dare to disturb the queen's sleep, okay peasant?" she said in her sleepy voice, as she cuddled more into my arm due to the cold outside.
"Okay my queen." I responded, as I somehow managed to open the door knob of our apartment, knowing well that she is half asleep and hence talking gibberish.
I finally settled her on the bed and tucked her into the covers.
Sometimes, it does feel like I'm babysitting this old kid.
After freshening up, I laid down beside her. Its seriously has been a long day for me. I switched off the lights, closing my eyes and finally resting. Avni snuggled into me, and whispered quietly, just enough for me hear them, "Druv, I love you and I always gonna love you. Just remember it"
I placed a sweet kiss on her forehead, "Unfortunately, I love you too." I smiled coyly and held her close to sleep.
The morning lights peeped out of the curtains, as it intrude my sleep. I opened my eyes after the goodnight's sleep, only to witness a weird face staring back at me....
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I jerked away from that face, as I fell off the bed, landing my face first.
I rubbed off the pain of my nose, as Avni's laugh filled the room. I sat up on the floor and looked at Avni, who was now laughing and wiping off the makeup or whatever she had put on her face.
"Seriously Avni, you had to be like this early in the morning with me?" I stated, annoyed with her. "It wasn't funny okay!"
"Chill baby, you gonna miss me the whole day anyways." she cleaned off her face, as she tossed away the wipe into the dustbin at the corner of the bedroom. She hopped down, sitting beside me on the floor. "I'm leaving for the office."
"What? Why? Today's a weekend." I frowned, as I pulled her up from the floor to make her sit on my lap, facing me, the warmness of her body caressing mine.
"Druv, you remember, you asked me to mail some reports to the head-office a couple days ago? Which has its deadline tomorrow?" she said, as she fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt.
"Oh yes. What about it?" I looked down at her.
"Nothing, its just pending and I have to complete it today only."
"What! But you said that you finished it already and even send them." I panicked. It was a really important work and she kept it pending till the deadlines. She is so careless!
"You can't scold me! I shared my feelings to my boyfriend, not my boss! We're at home and as a good boyfriend you should be requesting me to stay and forget about the reports! I hate you!" She stood up and stomped off from the room, shouting behind "I want a breakup with you!"
I shook my head, laughing at her silliness, "Fine, go ahead. I won't stop you."
I followed her into the kitchen, where she opened the refrigerator's door to reveal a chocolate pastry I bought day before yesterday. "Pastry!" she gasped. She was about to take it out when I stepped in between her and the pastry, blocking the refrigerator's door.
She pouted looking up at me. I knew very well that she absolutely loves cakes and pastries, and hence I was holding her weakness against her.
I smirked, as I folded my arms on my chest, "I thought you broke up with me?"
She bit her lips, nervously "You know na, that I don't always mean what I say." She tucked at my shirt, standing tip-toe and landing a soft kiss on my lips. And before I could respond to her, she grabbed the door, opening it and taking out a piece of pastry, as she ran away into drawing hall. "But I did mean it when I said I want to breakup with you." she shouted from the hallway.
I laughed, "Sure enough, baby." I wonder what else does that pastry can make her do. I smirked as I made my way into the washroom to freshen up.
Soon, Avni left for the office, leaving me behind to be bored. I actually wanted to go out to the mall to buy a new pair of speakers, because my old ones have been bathed in soft-drinks by Avni, and it doesn't do anything now, except for giving electric shocks.
But I'm unable to go to the mall also, because this girl has taken my car to office. I'm telling you guys, living with Avni is like living in a warzone, where you can't even know what'll happen to you within the next hour!
I sighed, as I tried to call Ryan. Maybe he can join me to the mall. He picked up on the third ring and agreed to come along. We aren't buddies for nothing, right?
Within the next hour, we were already into the mall, looking at the different speakers. We soon settled for one and I paid for them. We carried it to the parking area to our car, while I was holding one of the pair and Ryan was helping me with the other.
The parking lot had a cafe facing it, whose glass walls displayed the cozy inside atmosphere. "Ryan, you want to grab a coffee?" I thought it'll be a nice idea to have a warm coffee to our way back home.
But as I said that, I realized Ryan had his eyes already fixed at the cafe, looking through the glass walls, at a particular table. I followed his gaze, only to find out that he was staring at a couple sitting there.
When I looked more closely, I was shocked. It wasn't any random couple, it was Sneha and Bincy sitting there, while Bincy was leaning forward into Sneha, who was sitting just beside him, and was kissing her nape.
I looked back at Ryan. He was holding the speaker's box so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. If he adds any further pressure to it, I was sure that he'll surely break my speakers into granules.
"Ryan? You okay?" I asked, concerned. His face was showing some unreadable expression.
He promptly shifted his gaze, looking at a far away point, "Let's go from here." He almost threw the speakers into the back seat as I carefully placed the other beside it, and sat inside the car. Ryan drove off, and I'm surprised that we didn't caught up in any accident.
I'm so confused at what's happening! Why is Sneha with Bincy in the cafe, in a weekend for that matters?!
But also I'm scared to ask anything to Ryan, right now.