Greendale A Cold Place

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As the black uber car came to stop in front of the Spellman's property, a young cherry blonde woman dressed in black stepped out of the car.

The sobbing teenage girl and the woman holding her looked at the cherry blonde woman. "Lydia?" the older woman asked.

Lydia took off her dark rimmed shades revealing the kind blue eyes of hers, "Mother. Sabrina, he will return."

Sabrina stood up to embraced Lydia, "I'm so glad your here."

Lydia smiles, "I'm so proud of you, Brina... Now, let's go inside, shall we?"

Sabrina nodded and went to open the front door, as the three walked in a man and a woman ran up to Lydia. "Lydia, darling, so happy that you came back." Hilda wrapped her arms around her older niece.

"Hello Aunt Hil, cousin Ambrose, how have the coven been treating the both of you?" Lydia asked.

"Well, they've been treating us as well as they could." Ambrose replied, "How bout you? How are you after..."

"I'm fine." Lydia replied quickly not letting her cousin finish the question.

"What happened, Lydia?" Zelda asked her daughter.

Lydia looked at her mother, "Father was so ill, his health was deteriorating and last night death have finally won. He took father."

"I... I..." Zelda's face fell but quickly recovered, "I'm sorry for your lost."

Lydia blinked back the tears and swallowed the lump in her throat, "Yes, I will miss him..."

Zelda turns around, "It's late, you must be tired, you will sleep in Sabrina's room, if that's alright with her."

"Of course it is, Aunt Zee." Sabrina replied.

"Great." Lydia nods, "But mother..."

"Good night, Lydia." Zelda strictly said.


"I said, good night!"

"Yes, mother," Lydia nods, "good night."

As everyone went to bed, Lydia went downstairs to the kitchen to make some tea but instead saw Hilda brewing tea. "Can't sleep?"

"Jet lag." Lydia sat on the stool, "How bout you?"

"Things on my mind." Hilda stated as she poured tea in five cups.

"Five?" Lydia questioned.

"Yes, one for you, one for me, Sabrina, Ambrose, and—" 

"Me." Zelda states.

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