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Sabrina caught her breathe as they ran from Satan. "I cannot believe..." trying to slow down her heartbeat.

"I think we lost him..." Lydia sighs as she peeked out the street.

"You sure?" Ambrose asked.

"No, I'm not sure we are running from Satan." Lydia sat down.

Zelda sat down beside her daughter and niece. "I am really sorry, Lydia..."

Lydia looked at her mother the hatred was obvious, "For what?! Huh mother?! What can you possibly be sorry for?"

"For what just happened..." Zelda admitted.

"Figures!" Lydia exclaimed.

"Lyd--" Sabrina warned.

"Oh don't even get me started with you!" Lydia snapped. "How long are you gonna keep up the act, Sabrina?! Acting like the whole world revolves around you and that the whole family will cater to your every need... you already took my place isn't that enough? You also want to take Leticia's place?! How self absorbed are you? Just once I would like to come to dinner and not hear your name! I get it your the star, your the strongest amongst us... but please stop it's irritating. 'Why can't you be more like Sabrina?' Well, if I was like you I would be whiny little brat..."

"Oi! Hilda interupts, "It's not Sabrina's fault that she is an orphan."

"Just like I was..." Lydia looks down, "The difference between us is quite simple you had my mother raise you and I didn't! You know what just leave me alone go back to your cozy little life as the Spellman Princess, me and my daughter will be out of your lives after this battle." Lydia turns her attention to the street.

Ambrose shook his head, "You're right, it wasn't fair, you had to grow up without your mother, but do you really believe that Sabrina can take your place in our lives, especially your mother's? You're her daughter, Sabrina and I were entrusted in her care, but we can never take your place in her heart..."

Lydia ignored him, "We need to leave if your beloved coven stands a chance--" Lydia walked away and opened another portal.

"Seriously?!" Ambrose whines, "It's like talking to a brick wall!"

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