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Zelda found herself watching the sunrise on the roof early in the morning.

"Zelds!" Hilda called, "I thought I'd find you here..."

Zelda turns to see her younger sister, "Hilders, what is it?"

"Blackwood is at the parlor, and looking for you."

"Tell him, I'll be down in a minute..."

"Ok..." Hilda climbs back down.

Zelda took one last look at the sunrise, before following her sister.

"Madame Spellman," Blackwood sighs, "I am here to declare a war against your family."

Zelda took the paper which states the High Priest of The Church of Night is indeed declaring a war.

"You can't be serious," Lydia scoffed, "a war? For what, rejecting you... seriously?! What your male ego is too bruise that you want to a war to show us that you are a man?! Here's a tip you wanna be areal man just accept your losses with your dignity."

"Don't assume that this is about you, little girl." Blackwood smirked.

"Oh I know it isn't about me." Lydia smiles, "This is about your ego."

"This is about my daughter!" Blackwood growls. "Because of this family, our coven is in danger."

"This family is saving the coven from the fires of hell." Lydia defends, "And you know what else?"

 "What, four eyes?"

"My uncle was the high priest before you murdered him," Lydia smiles, "shouldn't his daughter be the high priestest?"

Sabrina glanced at her cousin. Ambrose breathed heavily. Hilda held Sabrina's hand. Zelda looked terrified, Diggory was right, Lydia is way too headstrong. "What cat got your tongue?" Lydia asked, "I think you should get out, while I still have patience."

"Lydia!" Zelda scolded, "Stand down."

"Mark my words, Spellman," Blackwood wagged his finger at Zelda, "keep your halfbreed daughter's mouth shut or I will show no mercy."

Before anything could happen, Zelda heard herself say, "Bring it."

Blackwood ran outside fuming with anger.

Secret of the SpellmanWhere stories live. Discover now