Trial of Zelda Spellman

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"Ms. Spellman," Lydia smirks, "is it true that you delivered Leticia first before her twin brother, Judas?"

"Yes." Zelda replied.

"And is it also true that you took the child and told Mr. Blackwood that only one baby survived?"

"Yes, but only to protect…"

"A yes and no, mom!" Lydia scolded, "Oh… I mean, ma'am."


"And is it also true that you had cared for Leticia for a weeks prior to the Yule incident with Graila?"


"Your turn." Lydia said as she went back to her seat.

Blackwood stood up, "A noble profession, a midwife. Parents should be able to trust you. But what did you do? You kidnapped my baby…"

"Her name is Leticia!" Zelda growled.

"Oh I apologize," Blackwood bowed, "yes, Leticia, of course. That's the name you gave her, isn't it?"

"Yes." Zelda nodded.

"Do you know what the term abduction means?"


"Then please do share…"

"Abduction means taking someone against their will."

"Yes, are we to believe that a newborn had given you permission to take her away from her parents?"

"No… I was protecting her."

"Redirect your dishonors?" Lydia stands up, "What did Mr. Blackwood do at your home the day I ran away?"

"He ordered me to marry him." Zelda sighed.

"After you rejected him, what was it that he said?"

"That I will regret it."

"I call upon, Ms. Hildagard Antoinette Spellman, to the stand."

Hilda went up to the stand as her sister sat back on her seat.

"Ms. Spellman, would you say that Ms. Zelda Spellman loves Leticia?"

"Oh yes. I think your mother wants  a second chance to be a mother…"

This statement caught Lydia off guard. The door slammed open and Webster rushed in. Lydia sighed in relief. Lydia didn't think she would be able to defend the woman who gave her up, as a newborn.

Webster immediately got to work, "I call upon Lydia Fionna Spellman to the witness stand."

"Ugh why?!" Lydia whined quietly, as she made her way to the stand.

"How old are you, Ms. Spellman?"

"24 years old."

"And what is your relationship with the suspect?"

"She's my mother."

"As her daughter, do you believe her?"

"I don't understand the question."

"When she says something had happened do you believe her? Or do you question it?"

"No, I don't believe her. She has this little tic when she lies,  her voice gets all defensively high."

"How can you possibly know that when you only started living with her three years ago?"

"I also have the same tic plus the uncontrollable laughter."

"Its in the genes, then?"

"We, Spellmans, are horrible liars, we all have the same tics plus a little extra. Ambrose shakes uncontrollably. Sabrina is on her best behavior. Aunt Hilda can't look you in the eyes. And I can't stop laughing."

"So what your saying is if a person knew Ms. Spellman for at least a week they will pick up on her tic and recognize when she is lying or not?"

"Yes, that's precisely what I said."

"So how can a man who knew Ms. Spellman for a century not pick up on her tic when she lied about the birth of his children… I rest my case your dishonor!"

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