The Verdict

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"Decision has been made. Zelda Fionna Spellman, you are granted custody of Leticia Blackwood but are excommunicated." the judge in the middle of the other 12 said.

"What does that mean?" Zelda asked.

"Mother, you won." Lydia embraced her mother, "We get to keep Leticia!"

"But you are excommunicated…" Blackwood smirked.

"Oh that's great." Lydia turned around, "You at least, get a consultation prize. We don't have to see your face, anymore… on second thought yay us. Mom gets custody of Leticia and you out of our lives!"

"Listen halfbreed you might think you've won but this is just the beginning. A small battle in a large war." Blackwood smiled deviously before leaving.

At his heel was Luke. Lydia shivered at the thought of the man holding her child.

"Hey, you okay?" Sabrina asked snapping her cousin back to reality.

"Huh? Oh yeah." Lydia nodded. "Let's get out of here and pick up Leticia then go out for dinner… my treat."

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