'Alice?' Luke muttered. I placed my hand on my mouth and tried to control myself from crying. 'Alice?' He repeated himself. I ignored him and closed my eyes for a few seconds, leaning my head against the wall. 'Alice, I know you're there and I can hear you crying.' Giving up because I knew he wouldn't leave me alone, I decided to speak, 'I'm fine. I'm not crying.' 'Alice, I know you're not fine. I'm staying here until you tell me and if it means that I will not get any sleep tonight, I don't care.' He said. That was really sweet of Luke but how could I tell him how I really felt about him when I know his dating someone else. 'Now will you please tell me? Come-on! We used to be best friends, can't you trust me?' Is that all he really thinks of me? Just a 'friend.' I sighed, 'Carol and I were watching a sad film so I'm crying, that's all.' I wanted to end this discussion and not talk about it anymore because I knew I'd just make a fool of myself from lying. 'Oh.. So that explains all the screaming and crying downstairs. Was it the TV?' I had a big lump in my throat and no matter how hard I tried to swallow it just wouldn't go down. 'Ye.. Yeah.' I stuttered. 'So what was it about?' He asked. 'Well..' I gulped, 'Just about a girl and a boy.' 'What happened to them?' He muttered. 'The girl made the biggest mistake by pushing him out her life.' 'And..?' 'The girl still loves the boy but she can't admit her feelings because he doesn't love her anymore and he's with someone else.' I sobbed. I quickly got a tissue in my bag and wiped the tears on my face. For some reason, me telling him about this makes me feel like shit. He will never know that this story I'm telling him is actually about us. 'So what happened in the end? Did she ever tell him what she felt?' He asked. I paused for a few seconds before replying, 'No. She didn't have the guts to do it.' I sighed. 'Well, that's a crap story. No wonder you're crying.' He laughed, 'But you know, if I was in her position, I would have told him what I felt.' 'You would?' I raised an eyebrow, 'Why's that?' 'Because I think that the guy still likes her, he's just pretending to like the other girl because he feels like she doesn't like him anymore.' 'How do you know that?' I felt like he was kind of relating this to me? Am I being stupid to think this and feeling like we still had hope? 'Because I'm in that position now.' He mumbled. 'What?!' I exclaimed. 'Er... No.. I mean my friend's in that position now.' He stuttered, 'He's been telling me about it. That story sucks.' 'Hmmm...' I agreed. If only I had a chance to tell him how I really feel right now. If only I had the guts to do it. I took a deep breath, maybe this is the right time to say it now. 'Luke?...' 'Yes?' 'I erm... I.... I l.. I lo..-' 'Hey, do you know where Carol is? It's getting late, I'm getting worried about her.' I sighed, 'She's outside.' 'Okay, thanks.' I heard the door close. Great! My chance had just been thrown into the bin. 'For goodness sake, woman! Man up already and tell him you freaking love him!' My innervoice shouted. But I shrugged until I saw the door to my room, open. It was Luke, he smiled at me, 'So what were you going to say to me, again?'

A Love Story 2
Teen FictionAfter five years, Alice is now happily married to Reece. They truly love each other and are inseparable. But what happens when Luke comes back from America and Alice finds out that he is her new boss? Will they talk about what happened in the past o...