A Love Story 2- Part 32

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*Luke's P.O.V*

I sat down on the bench that Alice was sat on and sighed. Why can't she trust me? We were once best friends and she was my ex-girlfriend. We loved and trusted each other. I'm not as stupid as she thinks. I know something is going on between her and Reece, I'm not sure if Reece is hurting her but I have to find out and help her. She can't just hide behind his shadows and do whatever he likes. He can't take her for an advantage, that's just wrong. I placed my hand over my head and closed my eyes for a few seconds. 'Are you ok?' A little voice mumbled next to me. I looked to my left and noticed a young five-year-old little girl. She had short brown hair with glistening blue eyes. She was very sweet and she looked quite familiar eventhough I've never seen her in my life. I smiled, 'Yes, I'm fine, thank you. What are you doing here on your own?' 'Me and my friend are playing hide and seek.' She smiled. I smiled back and there was a moment of silence. I took the engagement ring that I gave Alice ages ago from my pocket and examined it carefully. I sighed. The little girl didn't move at all as I stared at her. She had her eyes fixed on the ring. 'Why do you have that?!' She asked. 'What this?' I pointed at the ring and she nodded her head. 'It's mine.' I grinned. 'No its not!' She yelled, 'I gave that to Alice.' 'What?' I was starting to get really confused. How come she had it? Does that mean Alice threw it away or something? 'I gave that ring to Alice!' She repeated herself, 'Are you planning on something bad to Alice? Your the daddy that made her cry aren't you?!' She narrowed her eyes at me. 'No, sweetheart. I'm not Reece. He's the guy that made Alice cry. I'm Luke.' I smiled, 'I want to know what's happening between them because Alice won't tell me anything.' I continued. 'Something bad.' She mumbled, 'If you really care about her, you need to get her away from that bad daddy.' I smiled then nodded my head. 'Yes and I will.' She stood up from the bench and ran off...

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