Chahun 🥔 Masterpiece

607 13 11


829 words
fluff, friendship
second person

You just arrived at your best friend's house because he claims that he'll set the house on fire and he didn't want his parents to kill him.

"Y/N!! You're here!" You nodded at Hun and he dragged you inside the house. "I wanted to bake a cake because my dad is coming home after a long business trip, and currently my mom is at work," he paused and you tried to look behind him but he blocked the way "And I kinda made a mess.."

You widened your eyes. "Why would you bake when it's almost 12AM?"

"I was taking care of my cats, they're sleeping upstairs now."

"Wait, so you called me just to clean this mess up?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He smiled playfully.

You turned around to leave before he grabbed a hold of your sleeve. "I was just kidding! I need your help to bake a Christmas cake since Christmas is tomorrow."

You were hesitant at first, but knowing Hun, he'd blame it on you if he started the fire just because you didn't help him.

"Fine, I'll help but we need to make a deal," He nodded waiting for your response. "Bring me to a good quality restaurant each month but you have to pay. And I'll come right over when you call for help with something."


He wasn't hesitant at all because his father has a very good business which gives him a good amount of money each month.

You smiled and pushed him out of the way.

"This is gonna take forever to clean up." You let out a groan looking at the cracked eggs. milk, and flour all over the place.

"It's okay, I'll just feed it to my cats."

"Cat's can't drink milk."

He formed an 'o' shape with his mouth. "It's only been 3 weeks!"

"You probably poisoned your cats already."

Hun scoffed. "Of course not! I know what I'm doing." He put a serious face on but you just ignored it.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Finally finished," You yawned and took a glimpse of the time. "Hun. It's 3 in the damn morning! Have we been cleaning for 3 hours straight?"

You noticed he didn't answer because he already passed out on the couch. You walked over to him and grabbed a nearby pillow, harassing him with it.

"Ahh stop!" He yelped for air.

"You little nutcracker, your suppose to bake the cake or I'm leaving."

"Okay. Okay," He sat up and stared at you. "Uh. I'm waiting."

"Gosh I thought you were smart." You muttered under your breath to the kitchen and got the supplies ready.

"I am smart." You hear from behind and jump a little bit.

You turned around and kicked his shin. "If your smart, you'd know how to organize your time, and not waste mine."

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Y/N. You can leave if you want."

You shook your head in disapproval. "No. I'm not leaving without a cake. Now I'll teach you how to bake a cake."

~baking cake yayayayay~

"What time is it?" Hun asked tiredly hanging from the chair located in the dining table.

Your tired eyes looked at clock. "7AM," You responded without much thinking, then you looked out the window to see white stuff falling. "Hun. it's raining white stuff." You pointed at the window and he followed your hand.

"Huh, it really is."

"I think it's time to sleep."


Just then someone opened the door and it seemed to be Hun's dad.

"I'm home~" He sang out.

"Dad?" Hun called out and walked to the front door. "Your home!" He engulfed his dad in a hug and dragged him to the kitchen. You greeted his father and also gave him a hug.

"We made you a cake-" He paused when the cake wasn't there.

You widened your eyes. "It was just there a few minutes ago.."

And then you all heard the front door open. No one else was here, and Hun's mom was gonna come home at 10.

You all walked over to the front door and footsteps were visible in the white snow.

You walked outside after putting your boots on and saw a distant figure of a sleigh and weird creatures in front.

"Santa!" You yelled like a child and pointed at the figure.

Hun stood by your side. "So he was the one who ate my masterpiece." He emphasized the 'my masterpiece'

You rolled your eyes. You mostly worked on the cake since he kept on wasting the eggs.

"I'm leaving." you said after the figure disappeared into the white sky.

"Uh no you aren't," Hun dragged you back inside. "We're making a new cake."

"Why?" You whined.

"Because your my best friend."

You couldn't help but smile and gave in.

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~

oh that sucked

but that's ok

cause the next one will be pt 2 of Jaehyun paparazzi yeyayaye

it's not Christmas yet, 11 more days, but this was still fun to make huhu.

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