Hun 🥔 Hyacinth

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893 words
first pov
fluff, romance, comedy-ish

There's a saying that if you talk to your plants, it helps them grow faster.

But why is that, if I talk to you, you wither away from me.

I thought you would grow onto me, but that theory was wrong.

"So you're just gonna give up on him?" Lily asked, a hint of relief evident in her voice.

"I mean yeah, I've been trying for years but it just won't work." I sighed out loud, fiddling with the dandelion in my hand; twirling it around while the wind blew my hair.

She looked over at me with a look of relief, "I'm glad you finally noticed how long you've been simping over the dude." She laughed.

"Me? Simping? Funny but it wasn't like I was obsessed with him, I just tried to talk to him that's all." I threw away the dandelion that was now laying on the ground, far away from the rest of its friends which were sitting on the grass.

She rolled her eyes and stood up, "For years and he still hasn't replied to you!"

"Okay and? Maybe he's just an introvert." I made up an excuse, not knowing why I'm still defending myself even though I said I'd stop talking to him.

She released a breath, "Still defending him? You really do like him. But I've been telling you so many times, if he doesn't anwser you, he's not the one!"

I looked down with sad eyes, "Theres a saying.."

She waited for me to continue as I looked up at the sky to watch the clouds slowly but ever so fastly move among me, "That if you talk to your plants, it helps them grow faster."

Lily looked at me confused, "Your trying to say??..."

I smiled, "Why is it that when I try to talk to him, he withers away?" She was quiet and didn't know how to respond, "Rather than growing onto me."

Lily looked at me with empty eyes before bursting out into laughter, "C'mon Y/N. Your comparing a flower to Hun! You can't be serious."

I glared at her, "Your name is Lily!" I hissed, "And plus Hun-eysuckle is a flower." I mumbled, she smiled at my effort.

"You even searched up a name for him." She teased, I flushed but shook off the feeling after thinking about the times him and I had together. Barely.

"My dream is to start a flower garden." I spoke with much pride in my voice. Lily cheered me on and started to talk about my obsession with flowers.

"Why?" Was her finally question after her rambles about my flower fetish.

I shrugged, "Flowers always bloom after rain, rain is neither good nor bad. It helps the flower bloom but drowns the worms beneath."

Lily's eyes widened a bit at the saying and I decided to continue where I left off, "Flowers are a sense of healing after a huge convenience. They come in different color and sizes and are used as decorations or even scents. There's many things you can do with flowers."

"And that's why I gave him this." I showed her a blue hyancith plant I was carrying around with me.

"Hm? Why did you give him this?" She asked, her eyes furrowed because she was not aware of my confession towards him.

I looked down, "A blue hyancith symbolizes sincerity. I gave it to him because I want him to know I'm true with my feelings.. But I don't know what he did with it."

Lily kept quiet and looked up at the sky, trying to trace clouds with her fingers, "You really are determined."

"Of course."

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

I recalled the day I confessed to Hun after many years of unrequited love.

Though I hated to think about the moment, his relaxed face always popped up in my head. He was but the most amazing person I've ever met and I don't regret liking him.

When I gave him the flower, he walked away in peace while my stare burned his back. Then he turned right, the way to his house.

Pfft of course I know where his house is.


After a few months of ignoring him as much as possible, I've come to a conclusion that he either threw it out or kept it in a flower pot somewhere in his house. It's hard to determine what he's done with it after all these months but the possibility of him throwing it out was high because of the amount of times I've annoyed him.

Till one day.

I was walking by his house in glee and took a glance at his yard to see something that caught my eye. His front garden was all full of white roses but one specific flower caught my eye.

The hyacinth I've gave him.

It was the most out of place flower there and it would've caught your eye almost immediately. I wondered why he put it there of all places.

But the thought ended quickly when I heard the door open, making me hide behind a bush in reflex. I popped up my head only to find him talking to the flower while smiling.

Oh how I wished I was eavesdropping but,

atleast the flower I gave him will grow faster.

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~

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