april fools scenario 2

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ok this is fr i promise LMFAO
this is all gonna be quarantine edition because hahah we're all stuck inside

This boy would literally go his way to your house just to prank you, but keep his distance from people. It was 12:25AM, April 1st and he would be outside throwing toilet paper around the trees, the roof, the ground and even your car. Of course you wouldn't notice because you're sound fast asleep since you love sleeping a lot. After about ten minutes of grieving he'd leave the house before anyone could catch him do it, but little did he know you installed a camera two days ago just so you can speak to visitors (like anyone would visit you lol jk) while keeping a safe distance. The morning of the grief, you opened your window to see toilet paper on your window, and more on the ground. People passing by would take photos and laugh while you stood there dumbfounded. You checked camera and my oh my by then you didn't care about ignoring people. You were about to beat the hell out of Seunghyub. (stay home pls)

THIS BOY. He would text you as normal and then suddenly joke about how he was going to your house after recently going to a secret party. Of course, you knew damn well Jaehyun was lying because of the lame excuses he makes sometimes so you didn't believe him but went with the flow. After about an hour of him saying he'd show up, you laughed it off but plot twist. He actually showed up to the front of your house and you didn't even dare open it. "Wait did you actually go to a party?" You asked him and he nodded through the window. You hung up immediately and got the Lysol and gloves ready until he left. You, being a good samaritan, also snitched on him for not social distancing and being an ass.

Hun normally doesn't like doing pranks but today was the day he was gonna prank you through text seeing how gullible you are. "Hey Y/N.. We need to talk." Just by seeing that message, you forgot that it was April Fools and was concerned with what he needed to say. "Yes?" You responded, eager to know what he would say. "Well, I'm actually..." He texted and that made you pissed. Hun really likes to annoy you like this and he had the advantage since you couldn't beat him for it. "You what?" You responded and he was being difficult as hell, so you blocked him. And he messaged you from his other account asking to unblock. "Nope, tell me what it is and I'll unblock." You retorted and he responded quickly. "I love how you're so gullible you actually thought I was gonna tell you something BAHAHHAAHHA" Enough was enough. You blocked his other account and never opened his messages for the rest of the day.

This time you'd be pranking him. You two are neighbors so you would throw rocks you collected at his window and he'd look out annoyed. "What do you want?" He almost yelled and you smiled back knowing you pissed him off quite a bit. "I want you to watch this card trick." You smirked evilly, having a plan in your head. You showed him the cards and he was watching apathetically as you picked the card he chose. After a while you picked out the card he chose and he yawned. "Lame." You shrugged. "It wasn't those magic tricks where you place the card in a specific place." And he looked at you with tired eyes. "What then?" He asks and you pointed, "Look behind you. He helped me." Hoeseung gulped and looked behind to fall over which caused you to laugh out loud. "Gosh you're so scared it's so funny."

You and Dongsung are roommates and it was hard just to self isolate when he's always up in your face while you're enjoying your peace and quiet. "Your clothes are hanging on the second hanger. But don't touch my clothes." You said while flipping a page since you always had the anwser to his questions but this time wasn't the case. "Well, I'm not asking for that.. I'm asking if you would wanna watch a movie with me?" You scoffed in disbelief, did he not know the meaning of isolation? Let alone self isolation? "Look, we're supposed to be self isolating, not talking to eachother or even having physical contact." Dongsung poured this time and tried to rub his hands together. "We live in the same house, we order groceries, we've never been out in two weeks. What's so bad about watching a movie inside?" You sighed and gave in. The movie he set up was a horror movie. Out of all movies why a horror movie. But you didn't complain and just watched it. Suddenly out of nowhere, Dongsung starts to fake cough and sneeze everywhere, causing you to yeet the hell away. But that didn't stop him and he chased after you which made you even more horrified. This was even more scarier than the horror movie. "Leave me alone you disgusting!" You ran to your room right and he kept coughing through the cracks in your door. "Stop! I swear this isn't something to joke about!" You yelled and he stopped. "That's what you get for hoarding all the food." He smiled and left

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~

i realized that it was an april's fools scenario so i wanted to prank u guys by doing something AFTER i wrote all this and i didn't want this to go to waste so hear ya go

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