Jaehyun 🥔 Plan

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1182 words
first pov
comedy, romance

"So I have this plan."

"Whenever you say you have a plan, it never ends well."

"But like. you never know! We're jobless and need something to do." Jaehyun whined and I agreed with him.

"So, what's your master plan sir Jaehyun."

"Okay hold your children cause this is a good one."

I crashed my eyebrows and looked down at my abdomen.

"We busk!"

I widened my eyes and almost choked on air. "You're joking right??"

He shook his head. "Why would I be?"

"Well mostly because busking takes a lot of work and effort, and plus what are we gonna do anyways."

"Start a band." He crossed his arms.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Why did I agree to do this." I murmured while using crayons to draw posters.

"Cause you love me." Jaehyun teased.

"Pfft I don't love you- Hah- Where did you get that information??" I laughed.

He winks and my heart dropped to my stomach. Damn he's so attractive why do I like an idiot like him.

"We should put this up before night falls. Just so we can get more people to show up when the expected date comes."

"Jaehyun, we don't even have a place where people can audition!" I complained.

"They can do it here." He shrugged his shoulders while breaking tape with his teeth.

"Are you kidding me." I looked around at the small studio we were in.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Trust me, it won't be as bad as you think it will. Just judge them for their talent remember, not their visuals." Jaehyun informed.

"You think I don't know that." I hissed and he jumped in his seat.

The first contestant was a middle aged man which made me quite concerned because shouldn't he be working instead of trying to busk?

Anyways he did horrible. Along with the seven other contestants who just sang, played the keyboard, drums, or guitar as horribly as possible.

But four people stood out to me the most.

Their names being, Hoeseung, Seunghyub, Dongsung and Hun.

"They're like the heavenly quadruplets."

I sighed as I watched them play together in harmony, almost coming to the end of their song.

"Don't stare too long or else they're gonna break your vision." Jaehyun scoffed.

"Oh cmon, you're just jealous you don't have the visuals like they do." I stuck out my tongue and came to realization that the band had stopped and they heard every single word I said about them.

I cleared my voice and started clapping out of nowhere to break the awkwardness. "Y-You all did well!"

Isignalled to Jaehyun to also clap and he did as told.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Congrats guys, you passed! First practice will start next week and if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask it in the group chat I'll make." I smiled at each one of them and their sparkling eyes stared back at me.

Jaehyun noticed and barged in. "Also, don't even try to flirt with Y/N because s/he has a boyfriend."

They looked at one another, clearly confused and probably thinking in their minds 'I don't remember asking'

I gave Jaehyun a death glare, but inside I was lowkey fangirling.

"It's okay we won't steal your girlfriend." Seunghyub said with a wide smile and my heart beat fast.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"You shouldn't have said that, we are not dating and never will be!" I yelled at Jaehyun as we were walking home. We lived close to eachother so it wasn't a problem to meet up whenever. But the question was, why was I being so defensive?

"They kept giving you glares and as an only girl being in a boys group, I'm just being protective of you."

"How're you being protective if I really liked them!" I retorted.

"You really like them and you barely know them?" He rolled his eyes.

"How about you shut up and just let me be friends with them." I spat at him.

"Alright, it's not like I care anyways." He laughed bitterly and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why do you care so much about this? You're not even apart of it." I scoffed and walked faster to go home leaving him in awe.

That's right. I don't know why I did that, but I lied to him. I like Jaehyun very much but I guess I'm just really defensive with my feelings.

I was planning to go to Jaehyun to apologize but he was not answering my messages until the first practice. I've never even seen him the whole week which got me super upset.

He only asked a question about where to meet up and that's it.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Welcome to the first practice." I greeted them all and noticed Jaehyun was missing.

"Where's Jaehyun?" Hoeseung asked and I sighed.

"I wish I knew." I tapped my foot on the ground and the sound of a door opening could be heard.

"Yaaay Jaehyun!" Hun jumped and the boys greeted him. Jaehyun glanced at me but that's the only interaction we had the whole practice.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

Today was the day of the busking, after weeks of practices we were finally going to perform.

But, the hole in me wasn't completely filled. Jaehyun still hasn't been talking to me and the boys noticed to, asking what was wrong. I explained to them and even tried apologizing but he just wouldn't abide.

So before the busking, I want to talk to him and clear things up with him because I can't perform happily if the guy I like doesn't even wanna talk to me.

I tapped Jaehyun on the shoulder and checked my watch swiftly to see if I had enough time. I've got five minutes, I had to make this quick.

"Can we talk over there?" I pointed to a relatively empty area where there was not many people.

He looked around and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He looked really intimidating but also hot at the same time.

He finally gave in once I sighed and was about to turn around. I pulled him aside and looked at the boys whom were giving me a thumbs up while setting up their instruments.

"I don't know what's wrong Jaehyun, and I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. If it was about that flirting thing weeks ago, I'm sorry for that. I just didn't know how to put it in words that I really wanted to date you too.. I just got really defe-"

"Wait you wanted to date me?" He asks with a confused face.

"Surprise?.. Uh I mean it's okay if you don't feel the same." I rubbed my neck and he finally smiled. Gosh I missed that smile.

"I like you a lot.. too." He smiled happily and I smiled back with a wider smile than his.

"Guys, we're about to perform!" Seunghyub called and Jaehyun offered his hand. I took it and went up the stage to perform.

The crowd clapped and the hole in me was finally filled.

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~

i really wanna create a new book aaah
also that was really cringy wtf

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