Seunghyub 🥔 Babysitter

153 10 2

699 words
first pov
comedy, fluff

"Goodbyeee." I cooed at my brother who stuck his tongue out at me.

"You better pick me up hah?" His eyebrows clashed together as I was waving, desperate for him to leave already.

Damn, finally. The mansion to myself!

"Excuse me-" Mr. Choi was about to continue.

"Don't ruin the moment!" I whined and he looked down, understanding.

I breathed in the fresh air. My parents on business trips, my brother on a tour, and I. I am freeeeee from any conflicts in my lifeeee.

"Excuse me m'a-"

"Oh my gosh stop!" I complained.

"Sorry to interrupt you but, there has been a request for you to stop by Guresam Road."

"For why?" I put my arms to my waist.

"There's been a person who is meaning to meet you. His name is Seunghyub."


"Seunghyub, son of famous prosecutors of class 7."

I scoffed, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about but I definitely am not going to meet a son of a prostitute- whatever it is."

"Mam, they are really encouraging you to-"

"Ugh! Fine. For geezus sakes I thought this week would be filled with no meetings but noooooo I have to meet up with this dude who I never even talked too!" I scoffed, "Pro-section my ass." I mumbled while getting the car keys to my car.

The butler raised his eyebrows once I left and proceeded to his room.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"So you're Seunghyub." I took off my sunglasses and stared at his facial features.

Pretty handsome, pretty manly. My man.

"Yes indeed I am." He replied in such a sexy voice.

OoOoOo lala he's totally my type.

I cleared my voice and did a dramatic hair flip, "So whatd you call me here for?"

"I heard you're good with kids, mind watching my little sister while I'm out?"

I choked on my own spit, seriously?? Is that why I was fricking called.

"Excuse me?! I am not a professional kid worker, in fact I am the daughter of famous sales representatives Mrs. and Mr. (Y/L/N)"

"I didn't ask but okay."

I was about to leave till he caught my shoulder.

"Can you please?"

"Why don't you just call in a baby sitter? You guys are rich."

"That's why we called you. You're a baby sitter."

I snorted. Baby sitter my ass.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

Can't believe I've done this.

"And that milk should be formulated in a specific way, shake about nineteen times and the scoops should accurately be precise. Nawon takes sips once in a while and if you give her oversips she will puke. Understand?"

"Understood." I nodded carelessly.

"Thanks, I'll be back in an hour." Seunghyub waved.

"What am I gonna do with you."

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Nawonieee don't cryyy" I cooed and tried to soothe the crying baby in front of me.

She was so innocent and small, but her temper is HORRIFIC.

She cried louder and louder.

Then I decided to play N.Flying's song Spring Memories.

And just like that, she was fast asleep.

I laid Nawon in her crib and headed downstairs to find Seunghyub at the door already, looking at the mess we made.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Well, it's fine. You did fine." He laughed it off.

"Really? I caused a mess didn't I.." I shyly admitted and he shook his head.

"It's fine."

I nodded and held my shoulders up high.

"I haven't ever seen you like this." He laughed and tilted his head whilst looking at my expression.

"Like what?"

"Shy. Maybe kids do have a soft spot in your heart."

I fixed my posture, "Pffft what do you mean? I'm the one and only Y/N."

"How about you baby sit my sister again?" He asked and I hesitated to anwser.

"But I join." Seunghyub finished.

I widened my eyes, what was he gonna join? Being a baby? "Join what?"

"We take care of my sister together."

"What's the point."

"The point is a date, and possibly practice for the future."

I stood up, "I think I'll be going now."

I rushed to the door and locked it behind me.

Seunghyub, that donkey.

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~


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