Hoeseung 🎃

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can we just talk about how cute hoeseung is

suspense, horror, romance
first person
948 words

Walking to the convenience store at night is fun.

There's a convenience store in front of my neighborhood so it's all fineee. It's not like I'll get eaten by a bear.

I was walking peacefully until I heard a low growl.

It's 11PM, and I've done this many times, but I've never ever heard a growl.

Maybe I jinxed it? What if I really do get eaten by a bear? Or was there a dog? The growl didn't sound like a dogs at all.

I slowed my pace and looked around and around but the low growls keep getting louder and louder. Maybe slowing my pace was a bad idea. So I picked up my pace and I heard scratches, although the growling sounds was getting distant.

I said a small prayer in my head. Gosh, I really wish Hoeseung was here to save my frightened ass.

So that's what I did. I called his number and he answered after 4 rings.

"What the hell Lu?! It's 11PM, I have work tomorrow!"

"Forget about work. There's a bear following me!"

Hoeseung scoffed. "Your so cliché. Where are you?"

I sighed in relief knowing he's gonna save me. "Near the 24 hour convenience store in front of my neighborhood. Hurry."

I said scurrying towards the convenience store and going inside for safety.

"I'm coming. If your doing this just for attention, I will never buy you food."

I whined but my whining stopped until I went inside the store. Mr. Hong wasn't there, he's always there when I come at exactly 11:12PM to buy my candy I need.

"Yah, Lu, you there??" I heard Hoeseung ask from the phone.

I nodded even though he can't see me. "I'm alright. But Mr. Hong isn't here, he's always here whenever I buy my candy." I furrowed my eyebrows and went through the aisles.

"Stay there, don't go anywhere else Lu." He informed, serious.

I then heard muffles coming from the back room. "Mr. Lu?" I called out and after no response, I was about to call out again until I heard a ring from the door indicating someone came in. Hoping it was Hoeseung I looked over the top of the aisles to see unusual men, and one man was leading them to the cashier.

I alerted myself, my heart was beating fast. What in thy hell do I do?

I held my phone close to me so they won't hear Hoeseung's loud talking. I wish I could whisper but I knew they'd hear me since this store wasn't that big.

My breathing was unsteady and I wasn't answering him. I'm pretty sure Hoeseung took that as a sign of danger.

I slowly made my way to the back to see Mr. Hong with his eyes glossy and he's been tied up. He moved a lot and tried to get out of the strong grip.

"Mr. Hong, please stay still. I'll let you free." I whispered.

I started to grab nearby scissors on top of a box filled with restock items I believe, and cut the ropes. I slowly removed the tape covering his mouth. He was just an old man, poor him he had to go through this.

"Mr. Hong-nim, go out the back door."

"What about you Lu-ssi?" He asked, still frightened.

I smiled softly. "I'll return to your favor since you always give me a discount for candies. You can't lose this store today! It's been on this foundation ever since I was born." I helped him up and he went out the back door but before anything, he let out a small thank you. "Be careful, Lu. I promise I'll come in whenever something happens. But I trust you."

He trusts me because I once used my karate skills on an unwelcomed intruder about 2 years ago and he was thankfully imprisoned for breaking in. That's why this is a 24 hour store, Mr. Hong doesn't wanna lose this store since his father used to run this store. Now him and his wife and children help around the store but it's just him at night.

I stood up but froze in my place when I heard a loud voice. "Stay still."

I stood still and my heart was beating fast. I could tell without looking that I was at gunpoint.

My hearing was bad. I only heard rings.

Hoeseung, hurry.

I gathered up the courage to turn around slowly but that made the man set his finger on the trigger just in case.

I looked up. He was covered in black, only his eyes visible.

I walked closer and closer. He was on the urge of pulling the trigger while he backed up.

"Pull the trigger. You coward." I muttered.

He stood still and just when he pulled the trigger, he fell to the floor making the fire aimed at the ceiling.

And there was Hoeseung. My hearing came back and I heard the wails of ambulance sirens.

I collapsed into his arms. I cried and cried. It was so traumatizing.

He cupped my face and kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but tear up more.

After 2 hours on the scene, helping the police and getting interviewed, I walked home with Hoeseung.

I stopped, making him stop.

"Thanks." I smiled softly.

He smiled also and leaned closer, our lips connected.

After 15 seconds, we let go and we walked again.

Then the growls came back.

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~

finally made a chapter! everythings been so busy lately, I'm sorry guys :( but I decided to make a Halloween themed chapter since Halloween is coming soon! :) happy (early) halloweenie

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