Seunghyub 🥔 Inspiration

432 10 6

i should really put dates starting now, ill be fixing my imagines titles because it's just a mess


1210 words
second pov
romance, fluff

You sighed as you finished your art project, you stood back and looked at your masterpiece.

"Fuck that looks even worse." You muttered under your breath, this assignment was due tomorrow and you did some last-minute touches but that didn't end so well.

You shrugged your shoulders, it's not like you wanted to take art anyways, it was your parent's decision and you can do nothing when your parents make the decision for you.

You grieved for months, you were so sad you had to attend a school you didn't even want.

Art was a good subject, but not your favorite. How do people even do pixel art on the computer? Everything seems complicated to you, but you have to listen to the lectures since your parents are expecting good marks from you.

You heavily sighed and put the canvas beside your bag.

"It could be even worse if I lay my hand on that again." You muttered before grabbing your wallet to go late-night shopping.

You went into the convenience store and spotted some ramen noodles and energy drinks.

Perfect for eating secretly during class!

You snatched the food and paid for it.

As you were walking home with the bag of food, you noticed how lonely the atmosphere was. The place looked dull, and dark. You hated the night, but you knew you had to get over your fear somehow. But still, even thinking about how dark it was, scared you to death. Until something caught your eye, a man with a bright blue hoodie walking in front of you.

You couldn't take your eyes off of that guy, he really seemed to catch your attention because of how bright he looked in this dark night.

He took a right but unfortunately you had to go straight since that's where your dorm was located at.

You looked to your right and his figure was getting smaller and smaller, but he was still visible because of his blue hoodie.

As you crossed the street, you smiled to yourself but your smile quickly faltered when you realized that you won't be able to see him again.

You didn't even see his face so why were you smiling?

You reached your dorm, did your night-routine and fell asleep.

The next morning, you opened your blinds and got blinded from the sun.

You loved the morning because of how bright it was whenever you go outside, and you had to admit you had a small case of nyctophobia.

You went to school and handed in your art. The teacher examined it and widened his eyes at the perfect masterpiece in front of him.

"Is it good?"

"Needs improvement. Next week, a new assignment due. Theme is night, and I expect good work from you, Miss Y/N." He clicked his tongue and sat down at his desk without another word.

You sighed, at least you tried.

All you painted was a vase of flowers with some petals laying around. It wasn't that bad, it just didn't seem realistic.

But what could you do? He assigned the assignment a week before and you had work so time was limited for you.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

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