Jaehyun 🥔 Prince

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995 words
second pov
medieval times, comedy, romance

You were eating some bread you got from the bakery while walking around the village when you fell hard as you hit something.

"That hurt." You muttered and tried to stand up on your feet. You looked at the suspect and it was Prince Jaehyun.

"Huh I never knew a prince could be such an idiot."

"Excuse me?" He asked and looked at you in disbelief.

You rolled your eyes. "You ran into me, I fell and you didn't even bother to help me up?"

"Well I'm sorry but I'm busy running an errand."

"Oh really? I thought the butlers do the errands for you."

He scoffed but didn't respond. He looked as if he was looking for something.

"Just tell me what your doing before I tell the king you-"

"Okay! I'm runninggg away." He exaggerated the word running and you crashed your eyebrows together.

"Why would you run away?"

"Because being a prince and marrying someone is so pressuring. I hate it. I wanna move somewhere else."

You laughed out loud and he told you to be quiet.

"I'm sorry, but look at me. I'm a hobo and all the men here are already taken. Your living the life."

He put his hands on his waist. "Then how about we switch roles?"

"What? Are you stupid? I can't marry some girl I-"

"Hah see." He stuck his tongue out and you almost kicked his shin before you remembered that if you did that, he could easily call his soldiers.

"I'm sorry prince. You may go now." You said as you bowed and he just stood there looking st you.

"Oh no your coming with me."

"What why?!" You almost yelled and he covered your mouth with his hand.

"Because I can't trust you! You already know I'm running away."

"Huh I'm that non trustable am I."

He dragged you and you pouted. "Oh come on! We can't just run, they'll find you soon enough."

"Then do you have any plans?"

You thought for a while before a smirk rose upon your face.

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

"Cows? They don't even listen!"

"Excuse me? I don't own horses now do I?"

He sighed and sat on the cow.

"They don't move, all they do is chew on grass and that's it."

"Uhm first of all, you should thank them because they give you the fiber a prince needs. And second of all, just live with it. I'm a girl, I've lived with it my whole entire existence and I've never complained." You sat on the cow. "Probably because your too spoiled." You whispered and he heard.

"Yah! I'm not-" He was about to finish his sentence when you two heard the sounds of a horse coming your way.

You looked at him and he looked at you with a worried face. You kicked your cow with your heels slightly and he ran around crazily.

You calmed him down by taming him with some poaceae.

You passed Seunghyub some poaceae and he also fed his cow, then you heard the heels of the horses getting louder.

"Kick your cow with your heels! But not too harshly, they'll get hurt."

He nodded and did just that, then his cow ran and your cow then followed.

After a few minutes, his cow slowed down and your cow as well slowed down.

"Hurry up you stupid cow!"

"Yah don't do that, cows have feelings too."
You stroked the cows back and hugged it a bit after you went down from your cow.

"That's gross."

"It's called showing affection? Why? No one ever showed you affection?"

He hesitated then shook his head. "How does someone show affection?"

You went up to him and ruffled his hair. "That's considered showing affection." He smiled a bit and did the same. Your hair was now messed up and you groaned.

"This is why I never liked you at first."

"What do you mean?" He asked and sat at a nearby fallen log.

You followed and looked at the small pond in front of you. "I don't know, just never liked you."

"That's not a reason."

"Well it is if I don't have a reason."

He smiled and kicked his feet in the air. "Your different from other girls I've met."

"Aren't all girls different?"

He shook his head. "When it comes to someone's mentality in me, your different."

You scrunched up your face. "Who would even like you?"

"Hmm. You?" He said and you almost died of laughter.

"As if." You laughed hard.

"You'll probably like me after this." He mentioned and you had a confused face on as he leaned in and kissed you without notice.

You pushed him away and breathed out. "What the heck!" Your heart was beating loudly and fast and you held it.

"You liked it didn't you?"

"No it was weird." You admitted and looked elsewhere.

"If it was weird, then let's try again."

You shook your head. "You do this with every girl."

He shook his head and cupped your face. "Only for you." He said before leaning in again while your eyes widened.

The moment stopped when you heard a horse neigh and that's when you both saw a bunch of soldiers staring back at you. You and him distanced yourself and he mentally face palmed.

"Is this why you ran away?" Someone came out from the crowd of soldiers and it turned out to be the King A.K.A his father.

"Yes." He said with no expression on his face.

You looked at him and your mouth parted a bit.

"I'm marrying her." He said and you looked at him.

"Who?" He asked and clasped his hands together.

"Her." He pointed to you and held you close.

"You can't-" He tried to finish his sentence when Jaehyuns lips landed on yours. You kissed back and couldn't hear what his father was saying in the background since you two were too into the moment.

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~


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