Hun 🥔 Games

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894 words
first pov
romance, comedy

I rested my chin on my hand while I watched the passerbyers walking past my booth. I don't understand what's wrong with hitting fishes though?

Not the real ones, but you get what I mean.

I looked over at the opposite booth from mine and saw my rival having so many people at his booth.

Of course people are in it for the money. It's just spinning a wheel and if you don't get anything then you just wasted your money, however my game is much more than that. You can actually play!

But noo, people choose to waste their money on spinning a damn wheel and the only profit I made today was $32. And the game is only $2 for thirty seconds.

"Smack your fishes here!" I yelled out to the passerbyers in a happy tone.

All I got back was stares and that's it. I looked across and happens to be that he was also staring with a smirk on his face.

"Wait till I wipe that pretty smile of yours off your pretty face." I threatened to myself and clenched my fist.

It's been an hour and only three people played. All children.

"Come smack fishes." I said in a bored tone while laying my chin on my palm. My manager is really not gonna be happy with this.

Plus the booth with the most money gets free cheeseburgers for a year and tickets to an upcoming Shawn Mendes concert. Who doesn't wanna miss the opportunity?

"Come on." I muttered to myself and brushed myself off.

"$2 for smacking fish! And you'll get a bunch of toys in the end!" I happily remarked recalling that I had a bunch of toys in boxes still.

The people in the other booth in front of me, aka the rival booth, looked back at my booth and ran towards me with money in their hands.

I smiled and took their money as I told them to start.

"Wow someone could even possibly win this big teddy bear!!" I cooed into the mic and raised my eyebrows at Hun.

Hun hun hun. The perfect boy but an ass personality.

I mouthed to him, "Who's winning now?" And pointed to myself.

He shrugged it off and took the mic from his booth. "Have a chance to spin the wheel and win a great prize! A car, tickets, money! All this luck for just $2. Come try it out, you make never know what you win!"

Passerbyers scurried over to his booth and he smiled at me, showing the money in his hands.

I scoffed and grabbed the mic again. "Smack fish and possibly earn big plushies! Everyone wins in the end at a great cost! Only $2. Unlike the spinning wheel booth where you cannot win anything." I pouted fakely at him.

He grabbed his mic and retorted. "Come and spin the wheel for great action! The intense feeling can really be fun, unlike just smacking fish which can be reallllyyyy repetitive."

He chuckled softly and I rolled my eyes. So he wants to play this game huh?

ヾ('ω' )/~~~

It's been over two hours and we couldn't stop arguing.

"Why smack fish if you can spin the wheel for greater prizes? Who wants a big teddy bear if you can just win money and buy one instead. Oh also, you get more money to spare! What a deal."

"Why spin the wheel if there's a 5% chance of winning what you actually want. Make a profit out of the stuffed toys you win and you'll get more money out of it! Plus who doesn't want a big teddy bear?"

"Your such an idiot Y/N."

"And your such a nuisance Hun."

"Enough enough! I've gotten so many complaints from the nearby booths and people around. You guys are acting so immature. I cannot tolerate this behaviour." He scolded both of us which caused attention from people who passed by.

"Out! I need both of you out!" He yelled and pointed out.

In shame I walked out the booth and grabbed my belongings on the way. I walked to the exit slowly and was caught up by Hun.

"You know this wouldn't have happened if you didn't shut up about people coming to your booth."

"You know this wouldn't have happened if you didnt start bragging about your stupid wheel and-"

"Can I kiss you?"

"Can you what?" I said in disbelief.

"I asked, can I kiss you?"

"But why?" I asked and tilted my head, but he started leaning in.

"You didn't say no."

I felt his lips touch mine but that moment was soon over when we heard a voice coming from behind us.

"I said leave! You two were fighting now your having a make out session? What kind of immature people."

I looked down and started walking out, Hun caught up and held up tickets.

"Shawn mendes tickets? And a lifetime supply of cheeseburgers??" I asked and he smiled.

"He said the booth with most money can get this."


"The day is almost over and I raised over $1,200."

I gasped in envy. I raised aboout $824. Not that close to his money.

"And I'm taking you to the concert."

"For why?"

"Our first date."

~~~ヾ('ω' )/~~~

So yes, I'm back andndnnddndndnsn everything's been rlly hectic but I'm ready to write stories again wooohooo

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