Seunghyub 🥔 Time

341 9 1

1388 words
first person
sci-fi, and a bit dirty near the end wkdbd

Time travelling was my hobby.

I always time travelled when I want to but there's one con to time travelling, I don't know what I'm doing.

Meaning of that? When I time travel, some things may end up wrong, for example time travelling to the future.

My past self can't just disappear and my friends and family act as if nothing is wrong, My past self is conscious and doing stuff I'm not aware of.

It's not like someone possessed my body and is doing everything for me, I'm doing what I want but my brain isn't mentally helping my past self. When I time travel to the future, and I see something bad, I obviously time travel back and try to fix it.

But.. It ends up staying bad.

That's why I ditched the idea of becoming a time traveller although the machine is still powered.

Now I'm graduating university with the same people my year, so far so good since I didn't use the time travelling machine for five years now.

I also have a small crush on someone named Seunghyub and I tend to get jealous whenever I see him with other girls, chatting and laughing and even touching eachother sometimes.

You may call me obsessed and a stalker but seriously, I'm not. It's just a small crush and it's not like Seunghyub has even noticed me in the starting of the year.

As I was walking around the premises of the university grounds, I noticed a large metal piece of scrap hiding under some rubble. Of course no one noticed because it's right behind the university but the smoke coming from it really makes the metal visible. And it seemed to be caught on fire.

That meant it only crashed a few minutes or an hour ago.

I crouched down and examined the metal carefully.

It wasn't like any metal scrap you'd see, it was glowing and had some kind of weird printing on it. It wasn't any language I was aware of.

That's when a brilliant idea came up into my mind, maybe the time machine would help me identify where this came from?

Or maybe I'm just over exaggerating just because of a peice or metal scrap.

But then I heard a loud boom coming followed by a bunch of people screaming and yelling. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran to the front of the school.

I was shocked to see another metal peice, bigger than the one I saw, laying on the grass with fire around it.

It was glowing and the printing was very visible.

I ran closer to the scene but was held back by someone's grip.

"Don't get near, it's dangerous."

I recognized the voice and it was Seunghyub.

My heart beat out of my chest and I swear I was scared to talk to him than of the scene.

"I-I okay." I stuttered and mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

As he went to help a boy who was getting near the crash, I ran home to the time machine.

What if it had to do something with the time machine?

Once I got home, I ran to the basement and stumbled my way to the time machine. It was all covered with webs and rust but it was glowing a bit, meaning it still works. Except it was missing some metal parts which I found weird.

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