New start

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Brooklyn's P.O.V.
Seh-seh woke me up at 7:00am cause today was his first day he started preschool he was so excited so I slowed groaned and rolled out of bed cause I was still tired "Don't you wanna miss preschool today?" I asked him "No mommy I wanna go to preschool" "ughhhhh fine come on let's go get you ready "YAY!!!" He decided to get my phone and play baby-shark Jahseh hates it so he came in the bathroom and just mean mugged me and Seh-seh "DADDY SHARK DO DO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO" Jahseh just looked and shook his head "Daddy why you not dress?"

"Because daddy was sleeping until he heard his awesome son singing that annoying ass song" I looked at Jahseh and shook my head"

"what is ass?" Seh-seh asked something you shouldn't say until your olde enough come on let's go get your clothes on. "Okay mommy" I got seh-seh and I put on his clothes he was wearing a hoodie that said "Xxx" with some jeans and black shoes "all ready mommy lets go" don't you wanna eat something before we leave seh-seh? "No I want Mickey Donalds pannycakes" okay Seh-seh go sit down and in your bed and watch tv so mommy and daddy can get dressed then we can get your pannycakes okay? "Okay" seh-seh got on his bed and sat down and was watching tv I walked back in the room and Jahseh went back to sleep I threw a pillow at him causing him to open his left eye then he rolled his eye and closed it again. Baby get up he sighed with anger and pushed the covers off of him and got up and put some clothes on once we got dressed I went in Seh-sehs room "ready mommy?" Yes come on and turn your tv off "okay mommy" he got his remote and turned the tv off and got his backpack we walked downstairs and Jahseh was on the couch.

"Y'all ready??"

We both nodded yeah and we left Jahseh stop at McDonald's for Seh-seh he wants some pancakes Okay he said we got to McDonald's and got him a pancake with a orange juice and drove him to school

15 minutes later

We got to the preschool it was pretty decent we all got out the car and walked inside it looked like a hotel but it was nice we walked in his class and the teacher greeted us "Hi how are you" I'm good I said "I'm Ms.Dakota and who's this little guy?" She Said smiling squatting down to give him a low five "This is our son Jahseh" Jahseh said "Awwww what a beautiful name hi Jahseh I'm Ms.dakota your teacher it's nice having you hear" "nice to meet you to" okay Bye Jahseh have a good day at school come give mommy kisses and hugs" he came over and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek and went to Jahseh and gave him a vro five "bye mommy bye daddy" bye Jahseh and Jahseh one more thing "yes mommy?" Your Godparents Toni and Ski are gonna come get you "Okay" bye me and Jahseh waved off and we left we got back in the car "they grow up so fast don't they?" Jahseh asked me mmmhmmm I said
we drove home took our clothes off and went right back to sleep.

8hours later. 
Toni's P.O.V.

I went to seh-sehs school to pick seh-seh up once I walked in seh-seh ran right into my arms "TT!!!!"
Heyyy little man how was school? "Good we didn't do anything today except count" see "1...2...3....3... 4 Seh-seh "Yah 4....5 yayyyyyyyyy" he said clapping his hands in his little car seat. Ready to go home to see mommy and Daddy??? "YAAAAAA I WANNA SEE MOMMY DADDY" okay I said laughing I of course played his favorite song in the world baby shark so he could sing his heart out and be tired by the time I took him back home he needs a nap.

BABY SHARK....." we were at a red light so I recorded him cause it was so adorable it melted my heart.

"One more time TT?" Seh-seh asked Sorry baby but we are at home "awwwww okay" come on let's go tell mommy and daddy about your day "okay TT" I got my key and unlocked the door the whole front room was empty we went upstairs and knocked on the door "mommy??....Daddy?????" Brooklyn opened the door Hiiiii babyyyyy "hi mommy" he gave Brooklyn and big hug. Hey bestie she gave me a big hug and I hugged her back Heyy boo bae. This mansion must be empty without me and Ski isn't it Brooklyn shrugged her shoulder "eh you could say that but it's very quite." She said oh well I'm finna go back to c- uhh I mean back home I'm finna go back home. "Uhhh okay" bye Seh-seh "bye tt" i walked back downstairs gosh that was a close one I can't let anybody know that I been sneaking around with coolie Ski would be so hurt even Brooklyn cause she knows that I know better but I can't help it Coolie is just so sexy this is actually one of the biggest secrets I kept from Brooklyn she's gonna kill me if she finds out same for the others.

Yeah I'm putting a twist to this story y'all probably gonna hate me for like the next 3 chapters sksksksk💀

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