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Coolie's P.O.V.
I was the first one to get to the studio so I got my key and walked in I set everything up then Scheme walked in his ass scared me he crept up on me almost gave me a heart attack.  "nigga don't do that"

"My bad I had to" he said laughing

Man fuck you

"Where's ski and Jah?"

Umm they not here yet can't you see that was a dumb question.

"You right well cmon I'll record you a song or sum"

Nah imma freestyle let's get it.

I feel like I'm in a day dream,I see dead on the daily

*phone rings*


"Hey coolie"

It was Toni



I'm at the studio wit the vros

"Oh is Ski there yet?"

N-he just walked in I gotta go

"Okay bye"

I can't believe I'm doing this I gotta say something I gotta do something I don't know what the hell im gonna do.

"wussup vrothas" Ski and Jah walked in at the same time we all smoked some weed a little bit and we started free styling and rapping.

"You know Brooklyn's Auntie is having a dinner she wants all of y'all to go" Jahseh said

"Yeah I'll be there just text me the address" Scheme said

Yea me to I said

Okay and it's tomorrow night just wear something decent it's only gonna be Me,Ski,U,Scheme,Toni,Brooklyn,and my mom it's like a family dinner so just wear some decent stuff okay? Jahseh said.

Okay we all said.

Toni's P.O.V.
I decided to go to Brooklyn's house since she was bored and of course I went over there she opened the door and Seh-seh was playing with his toy cars on the floor in the living room "hi TT" hey baby boy Me and Brooklyn went in the kitchen and drunk some wine I really wanted to tell her what's going on between me and coolie but I didn't want to I'm still keeping it a secret.

"So you know my aunties having a family dinner and she wants all of you to come"

What do you mean all?  I asked her

"Well me,Jahseh,Ski,U,Scheme,Coolie and"


"Yes coolie and cleo what's wrong with coolie you dont want him to come or something? "

No not a biggy I thought to myself what am I going to do.

"Mommy I'm tired can I go night night?"

Yeah you can you can go to sleep in mommy and daddy's room or yours or Toni and Skis.

"Okay mommy night night TT"

Night night Seh-seh.

Olivia's P.O.V.
I am so happy that I am having a family dinner it's like everybody is one big happy family you know bella?

"Uhh yeah auntie"

But see the thing is your brother Brandon he's a ass- I mean jerk he never really wants to spend time with us but since we are having a family dinner he has no choice but to be with us you know?

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