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Jahsehs P.O.V.
Brooklyn went to drop off seh-seh at stokes house so him and Erielle could watch him until we came back sora went with Scheme to so everything was pretty good I packed up a few more clothes that needed to be packed and I was done Brooklyn had already packed her bags so I just put everything downstairs then Brooklyn walked in Hey baby I said kissing Brooklyn on her cheek "Hey"

"Alright do you have everything" Yes I said "okay good now be a good gentleman and take it to the car please and thank you" Brooklyn said kissing me on the lips Fine i said I took the bags and put them in the car where are personal driver will take us to the airport

I went back in the house and I heard Brooklyn sobbing Babygirl w-what's wrong are you okay do you not wanna go on this honeymoon "yes I do" she said sobbing

"it's just like it was yesterday when I met you at that house party and we had such a strong bond then we moved in together me U ski and T-T oni I said yeah her then we have a kid then we get married your hair is blue now for crying out loud it's just time has gone by so fast we been through so much and I love that Jahseh I don't know what I would do without you" She said crying now

Hey look it's okay Girl look at me we have been through a lot but understand this is a real relationship we been through so much but we still stuck together.

But we gotta go so let's go

Next chapter😂🤜🏽

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