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Toni's P.O.V.

I have been staying away from everybody for the longest I felt so terrible how can I loose my bestfriend my boyfriend.....Both of them all in one night I heard a knock on the door I didn't wanna answer it but I got up and opened the door it was coolie.

What are you doing here?

"Why did you tell them"

Im sorry but I couldn't hold it in im gonna fix it  promise i am

"no don't even worry about it anymore maybe you should let me handle it."

So you can get killed hell no! Never in life

"Toni we lost basically everybody that we loved everybody is out having fun and we have to sit here with the guilt"

I know i said pouting starting to cry.

"Look don't worry we will figure out something okay" he said wiping my tears

Okay coolie.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay cause you haven't been answering or anything"

Yeah I'm okay I guess I mean I'm still a little hurt but I should be okay.

He gave me a nice warm hug and kissed my cheek come on let's go lay down I said.


Brooklyn's P.O.V.
I just can't believe her she cheated on my brother MY BROTHER Who did nothing but did her right and she does him wrong and then she lies and says nothing is going on between her a cookie right through messages it just erks me hmphhhhhh

"Brooklyn baby chill out your turning red and your getting madder when you get madder you talk fast just calm down plus we are done talking to Toni and Coolie Ski better be lucky he still even had his room"

Your right I said as I was cooling down

"Ahhhhhhhh" me and Jah got up to see why seh-seh was screaming


With his tickle FRIENDSSSS Jahseh said tickling him I grabbed him and ran to our room they chased us in there and stared tickling both of us we were laughing and having fun.

"Guys you think Toni is happy with coolie then Ski" Jah said

"Man I don't know and I don't care they are prolly having a make out session right now I hope coolie tastes my dick and kids fuck them"

Woah ski calm down it's a 4year old in the room

"It's okay mommy daddy says those words all the time"

I looked over towards Jahseh who was holding his finger over his mouth trying to tell seh-seh to be quite.

"What I be forgetting it's not my fault he hears what he hears" Jahseh said.

"Ight y'all I'm finna take a nap playing with seh-seh made me sleepy" Ski said

"Bye Ski"

See ya later.

I was watching tv and Seh-seh climbed on top of me

"Are you sleepy?"

"Mmhmm" he said nodding his head and closing his eyes

"Okay night night baby

"Night night mommy"

"Yeah night night Brooklyn" Jahseh said laying his head on my boobs even though to him they are his pillows.

I told myself why not so I watched some tv and I needed up going to sleep to.

          Sorry this was short💀

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