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Jahseh's P.O.V.

So I'm just ready for this I'm gonna do it at home cause I don't want all the fans to know about this so I'm only gonna do it around y'all remember DON'T SAY NOTHING YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS. I said to coolie

"Ight Ight I won't do bring everybody to the house?"


"Ight see ya later" he said leaving

I looked at the ring in the box

"Hey Daddy whats that?"

Umm nothing what you doing.

"Nothing I bored so I came to bother you"

No no no not today seh-seh daddy has something important he has to do Okay.

"Uhh I guess where mommy?"

She went to get ya lil fat ass some food

"Ohhh Mickey Donald's" he said clapping.

I saw the car outside so I ran upstairs and put the box in my closet under my pile of clothes.

"Hey guys" Brooklyn said walking to the kitchen putting down the McDonald's bag and she gave me a hug of course my extra ass I hugged her and grabbed her ass.

"MOMMY!!!!!" Seh-seh said running and stepping on my feet


"Oops sorry daddy" he said laughing he knew what he was doing.

So Brooklyn if you don't mind I'm inviting the whole crew over cause we haven't did that in a while.

"Jahseh you know Toni is somewhat jealous of Skis girlfriend" Brooklyn said Look nothing wont happen okay? I said

"Okay" She said coming closer for a kiss

"I'm finna get in the shower" I wanna come to

"You gotta watch seh-seh" she said going up the stairs.  I looked at seh-seh as he looked at me smacking on his McDonald fries. 

Seh-seh can you let daddy get a fry

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I jumped back well damn have yo fries I said I didn't want them anyway
God damn stingy ass remember that to. I said looking at him he was mugging me so hard I just sat my ass on the couch.

After I got out the shower I just put some clothes on and took the box out my closet from underneath all my clothes Brooklyn was downstairs letting everybody in. They all said hi to me once I got downstairs. I saw coolie who looked at me and smiled so we all sat down and ate dinner I looked at Toni and saw how she was looking at Skis girlfriend well somebody's is getting jealous I said to my self.

"Soooooo how was everybody's day?" Erielle said

"Mines was pretty good Brooklyn" said

Yeah I agree to Erielle said

"Mmmmhmmmm"  Toni said stabbing her steak with the knife

Erielle Tilted to the side and asked me if she was okay

Yeah she's fine I said I looked at Brooklyn how was fixing seh-sehs shirt.

Then I looked at coolie.

Okay everybody I have an announcement to make This goes to Brooklyn 

She looked pretty shocked as if I said her full name to Donald trump or something.

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