Not again

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Brooklyn's P.O.V.
Seh-seh was feeling much better but I wanted him to stay in bed and watch tv so he did he wanted me to make him some soup so I went downstairs and heated up sum soup on the stove.


I'm coming Seh-seh Jahseh was in the shower as usual so I gave Seh-seh his soup and made him sit at his little Batman table so he wouldn't spill any soup.

"Thank you mommy"

Your welcome. I left out his room and I was downstairs cleaning I decided to use Jahsehs phone for music so I connected it to the Bluetooth speaker and I started playing his music. And of course his phone was ringing I answered it not saying nothing.



Who is this?

Ummm who is this?

This is Geneva.
I hung up the phone not giving a damn.

She called again.

Look Geneva I don't wanna deal with nun of your bullshit stop calling Jahseh now goodbye.

Brooklyn wait....I-I have to say something.

What Is it Geneva.

So it's this connection between Me and Jahseh and it's like I can feel when he's said and i feel it please just let me speak to him I swear I don't want any problems.

I sighed very angrily and stomped up stairs but then I thought about what Geneva said.

Hey Geneva.


C-can I have him call you back maybe when he gets out the shower.

Uh yeah.

Call ended.

I walked in the bathroom and I saw Jahseh his head was laying on the wall.

J-Jahseh what's wrong?

"Hmm Nothing I'm fine" he said

No your not Look Geneva called me and she said y'all have this love connection and she knows when your sad Baby what's wrong?

"Look promise me you won't get mad"



Okay I won't.

"I was looking through my phone and I saw this super old picture with me and Geneva and I started thinking and I actually miss her"

My world fell apart oh okay I walked out slamming the door behind me and I went downstairs and I started crying in the kitchen Jahseh and Seh-seh both came downstairs.

"Mommy you okay?"

I looked up and saw both of them I wiped my tears away umm yes mommy's fine Cmon seh-seh let's go get you ready for bed okay?

I walked upstairs walking pass Jah giving him a side eye.

I got finished putting seh-sehs clothes on Okay seh-seh your all done you can lay down and watch tv okay.

"Okay mommy"
I walked out his room and I walked right pass Jahseh who was laying down he turned over to the door.

"Brooklyn wait" I ran downstairs as he was chasing right after me he caught me and sat me down on the couch.

"Look I know your mad but please just understand"

I looked the other way trying not to cry but tears came falling he started singing to me and I looked at him. I laid on his chest as we both were laying on the couch and he whispered

"I still love you Brooklyn I will never stop no girl will ever replace you not even Geneva okay?"

Okay I said going to sleep.

Jahseh's P.O.V.
This is a dream btw.

Brooklyn was making breakfast I loved when she cooked I got off the couch and went in the kitchen putting my hands around her waist she turned around and gave me a kiss on the cheek the she grabbed a knife and stabbed herself BROOKLYN

she slowly fell to the ground as I caught her

"Goodbye my love go be happy with Geneva"blood was all over me


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I sprung off of the bed wiping my sweat off my forehead.

Brooklyn looked at me all weird

"You okay?"

Yea why you still up.

"I can't sleep did you have another nightmare?"

Yes hold me I said acting like a big baby

"Cmere baby boy" she said sounding like a mother even though she is she started rocking me as my head was laying on her nice soft pillows they were pretty warm.

"Are they comfortable Jahseh?"

Mmhmmm I said slowly falling asleep.



How the hell you get in here


"I sure did" she said peaking her head in from the bathroom her hair was drippin wet.

Did you take a shower?

"No I was washing my hair and I told seh-seh to wake you up" I laid down stuffing the pillow in my face screaming


"I love you to Jahseh"

I took my face off the pillow and seh-seh was watching tv at least he's quite Brooklyn came out the bathroom with her towel on her head and she went to sleep.

I got sum big next chapter💕💕💕🥵

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