Lost in the world

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^^^ play that while you read

Coolie's P.O.V.
I heard ambulances coming from down the street getting closer and closer to me I couldn't see nothing but smoke I was flipped upside down I crawled out of the car but I wasn't so far from it I laid there in pain looking at the clouds was it time for me to go home I don't know but next thing you know I closed my eyes.

All I seen was white I didn't see anything else I looked down and I saw my body just laying there in the hospital bed my deadline went off I felt my self getting higher and higher until I heard a voice.


Jackson....Jackson was on of my Bestfriends before Jahseh and Stokeley came along he got shot and died

"How you been man" he said

I've been pretty good but I messed up man

"What you do?" He asked me

I told him everything that happen.

"Well look I mean that is kinda messed up but your not going to loose them just sit down and talk to this ski guy I'm for sure he will sit with you and talk"

I hope so.

"Coolie your not coming yet"

What you mean?

"Your not ready to come home yet it's to early for you man I should let you go before they think your dead"

Okay man it was nice talking with you man I miss you bro and I love you.

"I miss you more and I love you to bro" we gave eachother a smile and I walked back down laid in my body then I woke back up to reality causing me to gasp. The doctors were still there and they asked me some questions and ran some test on me.

"Umm mr.coolie you have some visitors who would like to see you" the nurse said

Bring them in I said it was Ski,Jah,Brooklyn,and cleo

"You okay vruh?" Ski asked me

Yeah well no but I will be I said

"I'm glad your okay coolie" Brooklyn said

"Me too man" Jah said

"Coolie honey you could have died" cleo said

"Y'all can me and coolie have a minute" Ski said

Jah,Brooklyn,and cleo walked out.

Look man "No let me talk" Ski said

"Look I'm sorry I started punching your face in but I was mad I should have just sat down with you and talked everything out"

Nah man I deserved it Man I really should have followed my head I kept telling myself no cause I didn't wanna ruin our vrothership Man I'm really sorry.

We still vrothers? I asked Ski

"Yeah always and forever" he said we both smiled and gave each-other a hug Ski then let Jah and Brooklyn back in. Where momma go? She had to get Aidan from his granny house Jah said.

"I see somebody made up" Brooklyn said

"Yeah me and Coolie coo again" Ski said

"That's good"Jahseh said

"Ight well coolie we gon let you get some sleep peace out dude I'm glad you aight" Ski said

Thanks vro love y'all

"Love you too".

Once they left I fell asleep.

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