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Erielle's P.O.V.

Everybody was freaking out and panicking in the E.R. Room

The nurse called Ski And we all walked up in the room and there Brooklyn was her dress was so bloody there was no way that blood was coming out.

Jahseh was on the other side kneeled down

"Brooklyn please stay please don't go I need you here with Me"

"Jahseh vro it's gonna be okay" Ski said

"No it's not man" Jah said

Me on the other hand I Broke down crying my bestfriend shot blood was everywhere Ski was holding me then my phone was ringing.


Erielle!! Scheme said.


I just got everybody out the wedding me,coolie,and cleo are on the way.

Wait what y'all do with the kids?

They all with Brooklyn's auntie they all coming up there



Call ended.

Who was that Ski said.

It was gabe he said they got everybody out the wedding and they are on the way.

"Who is they?"

Gabe,coolie,cleo the kids are with Brooklyn's auntie.

"Man we was suppose to go on our honey moon" Jahseh said.

It's gonna be oka-

Beep beep beep beep beep.

She started coding I called a nurse and she got the doctor they told us to step back and we did But Jahseh refused


Jahseh get back here i said


"CLEAR" we saw Brooklyn's body shoot up it's to much blood we gotta rip this dress off

"They ripped off her dress revealing her bloody stomach.

She stopped bleeding but she lost a lot of blood Gabe and the rest of them got there

"Brooklyn is still in critical conditions"the doctor says if you guys come back tomorrow she might better.

"Watch my wife at all times if something happens to her I will"

Before Jah could say anything Ski nudged him on the arm

They just walked away.

If something happens can you give me a call please and thank you.

I gave the doctor my number then left.

Jahseh's P.O.V.

"Daddy is mommy gonna be okay?" Seh-seh said looking at me wit his puppy eyes

Yeah-well hopefully seh-seh we just gotta pray okay.

"Daddy I don't wanna loose mommy"

We aren't gonna loose her okay she's just healing okay.

"What about Toni"

I never wanna see her in my life you never gonna be around her anymore if I was a girl I would beat her butt but since imma male I don't do that.

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