Christmas special

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I'm only doing this because it's Christmas Eve so I'm going to make a Christmas Eve chapter and a Christmas Day chapter. After that I'm gonna go back to normal.

Brooklyn's P.O.V.
Seh-seh was with his grandma while me and Jahseh were wrapping up his present I think we went a little over board on buying Seh-seh toys,clothes,shoes,games and more But it was okay I was wrapping up the presents while Jahseh on the other was struggling

"Fuck this stupid shit" he said mumbling"

You doing okay over there? I said

"No this shit hard I don't know what I'm doing." He said pouting "I'm calling ski and Erielle over cause there is no way we are gonna finish all of this by the time seh-seh comes back."

Jahseh called ski and Erielle and they were on the way.


20minutes later

It was a knock on the door I opened it and it was Ski and Erielle Wearing a Christmas hat

"Merry Christmas Eve!!!" They both said

I started laughing hey guys I gave them a hug as they walked in.

"Damn Brooklyn you got seh-seh all this shit? Ski said.

Yeah i went a little bit to over damn the shit was like $900 dollars when I got done.

Skis eyes widened open

"You spent damn ner 900 dollars for one kid. ONE KID"


"Aight enough chit chatting common we gotta finish" Jahseh said cutting me and skis conversation off Erielle was already wrapping some present.

"Erielle you been wrapping presents that whole time?" I said

"Yep" She said giving me a great big smile.

"This is my 5th one"

Well damn she wraps pretty fast I said to myself.

We all were wrapping and Jahseh was still struggling he looked over at skis

"Nigga how you do that" Jahseh asked

"Dude you forgetting I got a sister" Ski said

"Oh yeah" Jahseh said

"I'm not gon guide ya hands and show you cause that's gay but this what you do you lay out some paper then lay the item you wrap it this way and then this way which leaves you open space so you take the two folded sides that's left mash it down and  put the bow on it...BAM that's how you wrap it."

Once ski showed Jahseh he did it and he was going at it "ayeeee I did it"

About time I said.


1 hour later

Alrighty everything's finished Thank you guys so much for helping me wrap these presents

"No problem" Erielle said

"Not a problem sis" Ski said.

We put all the present in our room in the bathroom unil later tonight.


"Hi mommy! hi daddy!" Seh-seh said hugging us

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