Secret spills

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Dj schemes P.O.V.
I woke up at about 2 this morning for some reason I couldn't sleep I called my girlfriend to see if she would come over maybe that was the reason I couldn't sleep it was something so she said she was going to come over so I waited downstairs for her.

*knocks on the door and rings the door bell*

Hey baby! I said giving her a hug as she kissed me

"Hey what's wrong?"

Nothing I just couldn't sleep so I thought maybe you could come over and I could sleep better.

"Ugh fine"

We both went back upstairs as she was taking her clothes off baby you know that turns me on I said bitting my bottom lip.

"Bae stopppp you know how I feel about that unless you want me to cum all over your floor then stop"

Nah you not cumming on my floor but you can cum on this face.

"Oh really?"

Mmhmm she got into the bed and climbed on top of me as I was still sitting on in bed and she started kissing my lips and as she was kissing my neck I was kissing hers leaving love bites all over her.


Jahsehs P.O.V.


My eyes shot open just to see Seh-seh in bed smiling at me like a creep.One personal space two where is your mother.

"Mommy went shopping to look for a clothes"

Oh so she left me here with you

"Yep! Now get up and play with me"

Okay let's play and great game it's so cool wanna know how to play?

"Yeaaa I like new games"

Okay so it's called resting your eyes what you do is you let daddy close his eyes and go to sleep and you wait for mommy to come home sounds fun right?


Okay I'm gonna start ready....set....go I closed my eyes and thought to myself "Man this is easy"

"Heyyyy your trying to go to sleep on me I'm not sthupid"

I opened both my eyes while rolling them fine you wanna watch tv?

"yeaaa I wanna watch Elmo"

Fine you can watch Elmo

"Okay daddy......Lalalalalala Elmo's world.....lalalalala Elmo's song"

I looked at him as his head was bobbing left to right and Brooklyn walked through the door.

"Hey baby" Brooklyn said I see somebody woke you up she said smirking

Yeah you couldn't have taken him with you

"No he didn't have anything on and I didn't wanna bother getting him dressed so I left him here and maybe I kinda told him to wake you up" she said looking over

Ughhh Brooklyn I cant stand yo beautiful ass

"I know" she said crawling into bed.

"Don't forget later the dinner we should get ready at about 5pm"

okay well I'm going back to sleep I said.


"Yes mommy he said turning around"

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