Mommy,Daddy,Son Date

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Brooklyn's P.O.V.
Okay seh-seh we are here......

We pulled into the Applebee's parking lot seh-seh was in his car seat kicking his feet

"Ayeeeee" we found a parking spot and we got out the car we were walking in then seh-seh saw one of his preK friends

"H-hi Ava"

"Hi Jahseh"
The little girl said hugging him

"Mommy daddy this is Ava...Ava this is my mommy and daddy" Seh-seh said

"Hi I'm Ava these are my parents" the little girl said.

"Hi I'm Ava's mom Kristina"she said flashing her pearly whites and

"I'm Alex he said flashing his grills"

Hey I'm Brooklyn I said flashing my pearly whites

And I'm Jahseh He said to Alex

"Ouuuu so he's a Jr that's sweet and he's so Handsome and he's such a gentlemen" Kristina said

Thank you so much and your daughter is just beautiful she looks so much like you I said

"Thank you" she said smiling.
Jahseh's P.O.V.
"You teach em young huh" Alex said to me

Yeah you gotta teach em young I said replying back
Also you gotta teach em how to beat ass we not here forever we gotta leave this world eventually so i gotta teach mine at this age.

"That's right my brotha" Alex said

Well our table is ready catch you later bro

"Ight Ight"

We left to go to our Table and Brooklyn had to use the bathroom so once she left I looked at seh-seh who was coloring.


He stopped coloring but still looking at his paper

"Yes daddy?"

Do you like that girl?

"Ava ummm no I don't know"
He said shrugging his shoulders and going back to coloring

"I mean we do talk everyday at school we sit our bags by each other and when it's nap time we sleep by each other we even share lunch with each other she kissed me on the cheek today and said goodbye and I gave her a hug"

My eyes shot open seh-seh!!


Doesn't that ring a bell she sits with you she plays with you everyday I think she likes you son you get those looks from me ya know back before I met your mother I use to pull all the girls.

"All The Who?" I heard Brooklyn say

I looked at seh-seh and he looked at me and went back to coloring.

Ummm nothing baby I-i use to pull all the muscles in my leg yeah

"Mmhmm yeah right" she said sitting down

Girl shut up you know I love you I said kissing her

"Mm I love you to" she said kissing me again

"AHEM We are in public"

"For seh-seh to be 3 years old he really knows how to talk" Brooklyn said

I agree I said

"Alrighty guys are you ready to place your orders" the waitress said

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