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Cleo's P.O.V.

"Mmm granny cleo" I heard crying in seh-sehs room I got up out of bed setting my Macbook on the bed and I went into seh-sehs room it was 1in the morning at the time.

Everything okay baby?

"Granny cleo i don't feel good m-my tummy hurts" I felt his forehead and he was boiling hot

Seh-seh you are hot come let's take you to the children's hospital.

I put seh-sehs shoes on and I woke up Aidan and told him to put his shoes on or his slides once he got up and put his shoes on I put both of them in there seatbelts and drove to the children's hospital.

Brooklyn's P.O.V.

*Phone rings*
*incoming call from....Momma cleo💕🤞🏾*

Mmmm hello?

Hey Brooklyn sorry to bother you but it's an emergency.

What's up momma??

It's seh-seh he has a terrible fever and his stomach hurts we are on our way to the children's hospital.

Okay me and Jahseh are on the way.

Call ended

I shook Jahseh causing him to shot his eyes open

"Brooklyn stop shaking me"

Jahseh get up Seh-sehs in the hospital.

"HOSPITAL" he said shooting out of bed and on his feet.

Yes come on.

I put on my adidas sweats with my varsity girls basketball hoodie while my hair was in a big pony tail Jahseh threw on his joggers and a jacket and we left.

"Now what's wrong with Seh-seh?"

Momma said he had a bad fever so she taking him to the children's hospital


The car ride was pretty silent only cause it was like 2sum in the morning once we got to the hospital we saw cleo getting out of the car with seh-seh and Aidan I got out the car and ran to cleo giving her a hug and Aidan and Seh-seh cleo gave him to me.

"Mommy I don't feel good"

I know baby the doctors are going to take care of you Okay?

"Okay....mommy where daddy?"

He's here baby he's right-

"Here" he came up to me and seh-seh and he carried him into the front room of the hospital

"My son isn't feeling good can we get a doctor"

"Yes right this way!" The nurse said

She gave us a room and Jahseh sat down while seh-seh was still in his arms I sat down in the chair next to Jahseh and Cleo and Aidan sat in a chair next to me but of course Aidan saw some toys so he decided to play with them.

"Aidan come here right now"

Yes mommy?

"I told you about touching stuff you don't know where it's been boy come sit down"

"Awww Okay" he got back in the chair and Sat down Cleo put hand sanitizer on his hands after that.

The doctor finally came in.

"Hi I'm doctor Henry the toddler and kids specialist what's seems to be the problem with this little man?"

Umm hi doctor Henry I'm Jahsehs mother and that's his father And he has a bad stomachache along with a fever.

"Okay well Jahseh can you look at me please?" Seh-seh slowly turned his head and body facing the doctor

"Okay good job can you open wide say Ahhhhhh


"Okay good he doesn't have any strep throat or nothing now for the stomach can you raise your arms for me Jahseh.....that's good" he touched his stomach and seh-seh said


"Okay I know the problem he has a little stomach virus it's pretty normal for kids his age don't worry it won't kill him or nun of that I'll be right back with his medication. "

Okay I said I looked over and cleo and Aidan were sleep I woke them up.

Momma you and Aidan can go home Seh-seh is fine

"Y-you sure?" Yes the doctor said he has a little stomach virus he went to get his medicine.

"Okay well we are gonna head home bye baby" cleo said

Bye I said giving her a hug and Jahseh.

The doctor came back with Seh-sehs medicine and he gave us instructions and what to do the doctor gave him some medicine while we were there

"Now he's suppose to take this every day in order for this virus to go away I'm going to give it to him now so you won't have to worry about giving it to him until the next next day."

Okay Doctor Henry thank you so much.

"No problem here's your piece of candy and a sticker pick any superhero you want" the doctor said

"Mmm I want Batman" yeah that's pretty much every kids option Batman he said laughing

"Y'all have a goodnight now."

You too me and Jahseh said.

"I sleepy"

It's okay you can go to sleep in the car


I put Seh-seh in his car seat and buckled him up.


We finally got back home it was 3am we got seh-seh out and he was knocked out we got back in the house and I laid him down in his bed and pulled the cover over him and kissed his forehead goodnight. I quietly closed his door and went to mines Jahseh took off his jacket causing me to see his strong sexy back I ran right into the wall causing me to jock back

"Damn Brooklyn you sleepy?" He said joking

Yeah pretty much I took off my sweats pants and put my shorts back on and left my hoodie on cause I was cold I got back under my blank and put my phone on the night stand charging my phone I turned off my lamp and I went to sleep of course Jahseh wanted to cuddle so I just moved in closer toward Jahseh his body was so warm I didn't even understand it.

"Goodnight babygirl" Jahseh said turning off his lamp on his night stand

Goodnight handsome boy.

We then went to sleep.

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