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Coolie's P.O.V.
But we can't let the others find out Toni I-I just don't know about this.

"Shhhhh nobody's gonna find out coolie trust me okay? I promise"

She continued to kiss me on the lips but inside me I know this is bad because eventually somebody is gonna find out I just don't know who it's gonna be. Toni started taking off my shirt as we continued to kiss she started kissing my neck and my chest and I started kissing her chest as she started moaning under her breath her phone started ringing and it was Ski calling she got off of me and answered it


Nothing I'm at my dads house just visiting.

Oh my god Really?

Okay I'll be their in like 30/40minutes okay?

Okay bye love you.

She hung up the phone.

What was that about I asked

" nothing Ski just was saying how he got a new chain that says "Ski mask" and he wanted to show me it."

Oh okay well come back on daddy cause my dick on hard she laughed and got back on top of me and she started back kissing me again.

20minutes later.

We were both laying down naked I was thinking in my head how we are keeping this from eachother it's really going to kill me if somebody finds out that's gonna be my ass Toni checked her phone to see the time.

"Oh shit I gotta get ready to go"

Awwwww can't you stay for another 15?

"I wish I could but I did tell Ski that I would be back soon"

Awww okay she got up and put her bra and underwear back on along with the rest of her clothes and gave me a kiss on the lips and left bye I said

Bye. She closed the door and left I stuffed my face in a pillow and screamed "WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKK".


Jahsehs P.O.V.
Seh-seh came in our room to wake us up so he can go to school he literally wakes up at 7:00am every morning not 7:01 or 7:03, but 7:00 in the dot! Brooklyn didn't feel like taking him to school so she made him some breakfast and I ended up taking him to school Seh-seh asked if I could stay with him I asked why he said no reason just to stay I was waiting for him to say somebody bulling him and he pushed them or something "Okay class so who did you bring for show and tell" the teacher asked seh-seh got up and pulled my finger so I could walk towards the other kids

"this is my daddy his name is Jahseh and I'm JahsehJr my daddy is a rapper and he leaves on a bus to go around the world he is a awesome dad!"

"Awwww Jahseh that's so sweet" "I love you daddy" I love you to son I gave him a hug while all the other kids were awing that made me happy so I decided to tell him to get his bag we were gonna go home. We got back in the car and Seh-seh asked why we were going home and I said "because your the best son I could ever have so your gonna go home.

Back at home

I took seh-seh in his room and changed him into his pjs all he had was his shorts he didn't want a shirt on "Daddy I'm tired" okay seh-seh you can go to sleep. "Okay daddy night night" night night I walked out his room and went back into the bed room Brooklyn was still sleep

"what took you so long babe?"

Seh-seh had a show and tell at his school so he used me he sad the most nicest things I told him he could come home he's in his room sleepin right now.

"Oh okay I guess he can miss school this time not a big deal I'm going back to sleep baby"

Okay I gave her a kiss on the lips I had to do some editing for my songs so I went to the studio for a few hours with Scheme and ski and coolie.....

I'm uploading tomorrow but just so you guys know I will slowly be updating so don't expect me to update everyday of the week I gotta think about what I'm gonna write and everything and I go on winter break next week (the 21st) so imma try to upload all winter break but that's all I just wanted to let y'all know that✨❤️so dont worry guys. But follow me on Instagram @jahseh_.stokeley.  I'm out✨☺️🖤

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