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Brooklyn's P.O.V.
Okay ski or Erielle be right back!!!!

I went upstairs and found something all black I could wear Black shoes,Black sweats,and a black Hoodie I remember ski had this all black ski mask that he used to wear so I went in his old room and found it I went back in the room and got the gun that was in my closet for safety and went downstairs.

Ight I'm ready let's bonce.


Brooklyn...Toni is waiting!!

Okay tell her your on the way you have to find some socks idk🤷🏽‍♀️


Okay Erielle or Ski can one of y'all stay here with Seh-Seh this ain't gon be long just to spoke Toni ass out.

"Yeah I will stay" Erielle said

Okay thank you.

Me ski and Jah left and we got in the all black charger.

15minutes later

We got to the location.

You see Toni anywhere? I asked.

"Yeah there she go walking right in the alley" ski said

Okay this shouldn't take longer than 2minutes I put in my ski mask and Put my hood on I loaded the gun and cocked it back Ight this baby is ready. I got out the car and walked up on Toni she turned around lost I was pointing the gun right at her stomach.

She dropped her phone and everything

"Please no don't kill me I don't know who you are but please don't do it I have a life" she said as her voice was cracking.

I didn't want it to seem like it was me so I changed my voice so I made it seem like I sounded like my cousin.

"You should have never Ruined my cousins wedding now it's my turn you fuck with my family this what happens" I said

"Please I swear I'm sorry on my whole life I don't know what I was thinking I feel terrible about doing it" Toni said


*3 guns shots fired*

I ran off taking the gun with me and got back in the car Fast

"GO GO GO GOOOOOOO" Ski said to Jahseh

Jahseh stepped on the breaks and took off the whole drive was quite

we got back home I took of everything and put it in the washer then I put the gun back in my closet and I got in the shower making sure all the gun powder was off of me.

I washed my self for the 10th time then I got out the shower and put some pjs on I went back downstairs where everybody was sitting there in silence.

Soooo does anybody want anything to drink I said trying to break the silence nobody said anything.

"I-I think I'm gonna go to sleep I'm not going home" Erielle Said right when she was going upstairs we heard sloppy knocks on the door we all jumped even Erielle I got up and opened it and it was Toni her body was covered in blood she was holding her stomach.

"Y-your family member did this to me" Toni said

I looked at her and I shut the door

"Brooklyn PLEASE" Toni said crying

I opened the door


"Look you don't gotta let me in your house but please call 911" Toni said

You can rot in hell bitch

I said slamming the door.

Then ski said

"Come on Brooklyn at least call 911"

You do it cause I'm not doing shit I said going upstairs and if you want go ahead and drive her I DON'T GIVE A FUCK CRASH THE FUCKING CAR I slammed the door.

I was just laying in the dark until some light were brought to my attention I raised up and I saw a ambulance outside flashing blue, red and white lights I stood in the window looking through the curtain it was Toni on the stretcher she was moving her head side to side then they drove off.

I laid back in bed and I felt weird Like somebody was in the room with me it was bothering me so much I stared getting chills up my spine cause the breathing was right by my bed or on my bed I was to frozen and scared to cut on the light so I laid there then I I'm froze and I grabbed a knife from under my pillow and I turned around swinging the knife nothing...Maybe I'm just going crazy. Then I heard shuffling coming from the Corner....Jahsehs corner I stared freaking out I turned on the light and it was Jahseh.

"Brooklyn why the hell you shaking?" Jahseh said

Omg don't do that no more!!!!! You almost scared my heart out.

My bad.

How long have you been there anyway.?

Uhhh about a hour. Jahseh said

You are crazy come get In bed with me cause I'm mad cold. 

Okay he got in bed then I went to sleep.

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