Shut it down🤭

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Brooklyn's P.O.V.
He slowly laid me down on the bed taking off my jacket I had nothing on except for my bra he started taking my shorts off when my shorts came off his hand slid right into my panties and he started to finger me.

Pumping in a out of me slowly then going fast just to slow back down and speed up again it felt so amazing he then started kissing me while he was pumping in and out of me.

Our tongues are play fighting now but then we stopped and started kissing again without our tongues play fighting he stopped kissing me and then he started leavening kiss marks on my neck.

Sucking on my neck like I was a binky and licking my face he's still fingering me then I came all over his fingers he placed my cum on my stomach and licked it up smacking his lips like he just got done eating.

Jahseh's P.O.V.
You like what daddy's doing babygirl hmm,she nodded her head yes not saying anything she gon on top and she started grinding on me causing me to get on hard she stuck her hand in my pants and started going up and down.

Slow strokes not fast but she was going nice and slow causing me to make my eyes roll back and bite my lip I started twitching and she knew what time it was it was time to get down to business for real.

She put it all in with no hesitation no gag reflex not even a flinch she started moving up and down while her tongue was twirling in circles around the tip her head moving up and down causing me to twice even more.

F-fuck I said groaning underneath my breath she looked up and me and she started to smirk then she started speeding up making my groans become louder.


I nutted in her mouth she swallowed then she stopped and she went to sleep her work here was done.

Brooklyn's P.O.V.
my work here is done.

That morning

Seh-seh its a weekend go back to sleep.

"But I don't want to"

Seh-seh got on the bed and started jumping Jahseh was just sleeping he is such a heavy sleeper.

Okay seh-seh come on we are gonna play in your room so we don't wake up daddy okay

"Okay mommy"

Seh-seh got off the bed and went in his room as I followed behind him and went to his room his TV was on and he was watching spongebob.

"Momma I don't wanna play I wanna watch Spongebob"

Okay we can watch Spongbob.

We both sat down on seh-sehs  bed and we watched Spongebob by the time the next episode of Spongebob came on I looked over to seh-seh being sleep

I slowly got up from his bed and I crept my way out his room

He's asleep I said to myself laying back down in bed and shutting my eyes then I felt Jahseh wrap his hands around me moving closer so he could cuddle with me.

I didn't mind cuddling so I moved closer and went to sleep for good.

I woke up at about 1 in the afternoon and Jahseh wasn't there I heard noises coming from downstairs so I figured it was Seh-seh and Jahseh playing downstairs but I heard another noise


I raised my head up from the pillow saying to myself
Did I just hear a bark


There it is again I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face then went downstairs to see Jahseh sitting on the floor with seh-seh

"Hi mommy look what daddy got he got a puppy"

I see I said getting on the floor he came right to me and started sniffing me what's his name I said

"his name is sora"

awwww hi sora I said petting him

"Alright he's gotta go home"

Home I said looking confused

"Yeah home this isn't our dog" Jahseh said laughing

"Nah I'm just kidding this is our dog" Jahseh said

My face went from a frown back to a happy face we sat down playing with sora giving him a warm welcome to the Onfroy family.

Just giving y'all a lil some some I should have told y'all that the first part was gonna he freaky whoops clever me🙂.

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