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I was sitting on the couch with the blanket on me watching x factor while Tami was making me coffee she soon came back taking a seat on the couch handing me a coffee.

"So he's in it one hundred per cent"? she asked

"Yeah he told me he wanted to be there to see me grow and he wants to get to know me again and he just wants to start this whole thing again" I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"That's good a fresh start, so you guys going to go out at all"? she asked raising one eye brow. 

"Well he actually asked me out on a date tomorrow night after I do my final shift tomorrow"  I said happily.

"Wait which job"? she asked 

"Working at the zoo tomorrow and Friday is my last day at the café" I said, Shannon decided that I shouldn't be working at the coffee shop until I had my baby which I understood. 

"My last day to get a free coffee from you" Tami said frowning

"Oh come on I'm sure Shannon will give you some free coffee" Tami was about to speak until my phone rang and I picked it answering it "Hello"

"Natalie" my mum said through the phone, I haven't seen her in a while and now really wasn't a great time

"Oh hi mum" I said not sounding that excited 

"You don't sound happy to hear me something's wrong, what's wrong"? she said. I didn't know how to tell mum that I was having a baby and with someone I once had a crush on back in high school. 

"Now's not really a great time you know mum I've been uh busy lately" I said thinking of some lame reason why I haven't spoken to her lately. 

"Well I haven't seen my daughter in a while and I wanted to know if you were working tomorrow"? She asked, maybe tomorrow would be a great way to tell her about what's happening. 

"Yeah I am I'm at the zoo tomorrow" I said 

"Great then it's planned I will see you at the zoo tomorrow" She said sounding happily. 

"Wait mum but" before I finished mum cut in and said

"See you tomorrow" the line disconnected and I put the phone down turning around looking at Tami

"Who was that"? She said smiling

"That was mum and now I'm in trouble" I said covering my face not wanting tomorrow to come around. 

"Why would you be in trouble? Your mum loves you"? Tami asked confused my eyes widen and I just looked at her

"Tami if you haven't notice I have a fucking baby growing inside of me" I said pointing at my belly. 

"Right" She said 

Don't get me wrong I love my mum to death and gave me a good life but she can be judgmental and I really don't know what to tell her about this situation. I'm screwed

 - - -

The next day at the zoo I was taking photos of kids with a baby kola after that I headed off just walking around the zoo, I felt my phone vibrate and noticed I got a text. I pulled my phone out and saw that I've got a message from Michael.

Hey I'll be picking you up at 7 so I guess I'll see you tonight -  Michael

I smiled at the text and I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach but my smile soon faded when I heard that voice

"Natalie is that you"? I turned around seeing mum taking her sun glasses off and walking up to me giving me a hug

"Hey mum" I said hugging her back

"Look at you, did you get fatter" She asked pulling away from me looking at my body.

"Yep nice to see you too mum" I said rolling my eyes 

"Anyway I've spoken to your boss and she said that you can have a half an hour break with me so let's go to lunch" I nodded following mum to the closet café in the zoo, we took our seats and ordered our lunch once we ordered mum said

"So the boss told me today is your last day for a bit, why is that"? 

"Oh I just need to focus on my work at university" I said lying through my teeth.

"Right, so how have you been have you got yourself a man yet"? She asked, Should I tell her about Michael and the fact that were having a kid, no I think I'll leave that till last.

"No I don't really" I said shaking my head

"What about that Ashton guy or is he still dating that other girl Sharon"? She asked 

"Mum it's Shannon and yes he is and even if he wasn't I still wouldn't date him because his like an older brother to me" I said rolling my eyes knowing ever since mum met Ashton she wanted me to date him. 

"Oh come on he's so nice" She said 

"Mum were not starting that again" I said rolling my eyes. 

"You know what maybe I should set you up with someone, you know one of my friends Karen she has a son his got his own apartment he may be a year older but that's fine" She said looking excited that I might be keen on meeting this guy. 

"Thanks mum but having a boyfriend is not a big deal at the moment trust me" I said. My main focus was this baby and staying with Michael for it. 

"Alright but I'm just saying when you're feeling lonely just call me and I'll get you with Karen's son" She said winking at me. 

"Great" I said giving her a small smile. The food soon came over and I noticed mum got seafood and even though I like seafood at the moment, I do not like it right now and the smell was disgusting.

"Honey are you okay you seem sick"? Mum asked looking concerned. 

"Uh yeah it's just a uh" I looked around grabbing the closet thing near me but the closet thing was a bin, I got up and I quickly threw up the bin knowing now I wasn't safe. I walked back over looking guilty as ever sitting opposite to mum. 

"Alright something is going on because you seriously don't throw up around seafood" Mum said. I looked up at her hoping she wasn't going have a go at me. 

"Mum I'm pregnant" I said throwing my arms in the air like I didn't care but mum was speechless and I didn't know what to expect.

"Who's the dad"? She asked giving me  a stare. 

"This guy that went to my school and we ended up having drunk sex and hey we forgot to put a condom on well he did and I'm really sorry mum" I started crying and mum was trying to stop me

"Honey, honey it's okay when did you find out"? She asked walking over to me kneeling down.

"A month ago and I'm sorry I didn't tell there's been a lot on my plate" I said feeling the tears rushing down my face.

"Shh, its fine but I just want to know one thing is the baby daddy staying around and being by your side"? I nodded at mum wiping my eyes "Good, now how bout we get you the rest of the day off and I will get you some things to prepare for this" She said with a big smile.

"Okay, but I've got a date tonight with the baby daddy so"

"Don't worry I'll make sure your home in time to get ready"

"Thank you mum" I gave her a big hug.

"I should be happy anyway because I never thought I would get grand-kids this is the best thing" Mum said putting an arm around me. My boss gave me the rest of the day off and I went back to mum's place where she had lots of baby things for me and this new born baby.

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