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It had been 6 months and I had gotten bigger and I got more annoyed at the fact that my outfits didn't fit me and I had to wear sweat pants and a baggy shirt that's normally Michael's and speaking of Michael I've been at his apartment a lot and Tami told me I should just stay there since I'm always with him and Michael seemed to be fine with it because it meant waking up to me every morning. Today we would be going to a scanning where we would find out if we had a girl or boy.

"Natalie, are you ready"

"Hang on, just need to find my shoes" I said running around the house, finally I found them and I was about to walk out the door until Michael said

"Uh babe, you forgetting something"? I walked back in the apartment looking at him

"No now come on" I said rolling my eyes walking about to walk off.

"Babe you need to put on a shirt"! Michael yelled. I looked down and walked back into the apartment and grabbed a shirt which again was Michael's. Michael walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist smirking "I love when you're wearing my shirts" I was about to speak until I farted in front of him, my eyes widen and I said

"Sorry baby has gas" I pulled away making my way down to Michael's car while all I heard was

"Oh Natalie that stinks"

 - - -

Michael and I were waiting in the doctor's room holding hands I looked at Michael and noticed he had a disgusted look on his face. I leaned over and said

"Michael don't make that face"

"I'm sorry but did you fart again"? Michael said looking at me.

"No, remember this a room full of pregnant women" I said


"Natalie Mitchell" the doctor announced, Michael and I both stood up walking into the room.

"So how have you two been, doing well I'm hoping" The doctor asked us while looking at the file.

"Yeah been well I guess" I said sitting on the seat lying down, the doctor did the same process and put the cold gel on my belly and soon grabbed that strange white thing putting it on my belly. Michael and I both looked on the screen and I started tearing up because on that screen was my little baby.

"So can you tell us what gender it is"? I asked straight away, I promise Michael we wouldn't find out until 6 months and that was the deal. The doctor looked at us and said

"Congrats it's a girl" Michael and I looked at each other smiling, I remember telling mum I always wanted a girl first I don't know why I just did. Michael kissed me on the forehead holding my hand and he seemed to be over the moon. Soon this little girl would be out of me and into the real world and I was starting to get happy about this pregnancy.

 - - -

I was lying on the sofa later that afternoon just staring at my belly and how big it's gotten. I was still overwhelmed at the fact that I was having a baby girl and in about three months we could welcome her to the real world.  Michael walked over with a cup of tea and sat down next to me watching TV and I couldn't help but cuddle up to him. There was one thing bothering me and that was the fact that Michael hasn't mention to his parents that I'm pregnant maybe I should just force him into making him tell.

"Michael" I said looking up to him.

"Yes baby"? Michael asked looking down at me smiling.

"Why haven't you told your parents about me yet"? I asked 

"Well it's just uh" Michael took a deep breath and said "Listen Natalie I'm just scared what my parents are going to think"

"Look maybe you should tell them I'm sure they will be supportive just please Michael you gotta tell them, for us and for the baby" Michael thought about it for a while and he said

"Alright I guess I could give my mum a call and sort something out" I sat up and tackled Michael onto the on the sofa giving him little kisses.

"Thank you, thank you" Michael was laughing and he finally got up grabbing the phone.

"I'll give mum a call right now" Michael walked outside onto the balcony and shut the door behind him, I continued watching TV but I couldn't help but think what Michael's parents are going to do.


I shut the door behind me sitting on the balcony calling my mum up, I was scared because what if mum doesn't want to talk to me anymore? But this was for Natalie and it's best to tell her.

"Michael"? I heard my mum say through the other line

"Hey mum" I said getting nervous and sweating like hell.

"What's wrong honey, everything alright"? Mum asked knowing something was something.

"Yeah mum everything is fine but look for the next couple of minutes just let me speak please"

"Of course honey you know you can always tell me anything no matter what"?

"I know, I know okay so you know how I told you how I've been seeing this girl lately"

"The one you took a couple dates on and still haven't made it official and you haven't introduce me too yet, yes I know her"  

"Well look there's a reason why I've been seeing her but that's one of reasons I do really like her but there's something I've been hiding from you and dad and I've been too scared to tell you" I took a deep breath and before I spoke mum said

"Michael, what's wrong"

"Mum I got her pregnant and she's 6 months in and I'm really sorry for not telling you and I know I tell you everything but I was afraid to tell you" I told my mum almost crying but kept the tears back

"Michael, honey that's great I mean I'm going to have a grand kid I'm not mad sweet heart and never would be and having a kid at your age is fine I know it's unexpected but trust me your father and I were the same thinking we weren't ready but once you were born it was the best thing that ever happened to us"

"So you're not mad"?

"Do I sound mad Michael, look I want to meet this girl she sounds lovely"

"Really that would be great how's tomorrow"?

"That would be great, I better get going to tell your dad the news"

"Bye mum I love you"

"Love you too" I hung up and walked back inside looking at Natalie who was just staring at her belly and eating a packet of m&m's I laughed at myself and walked over to the sofa giving her cuddles.

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