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After last night it got me thinking about how serious Michael was with us and this baby and how much he wanted us together as basically a family. I was walking up to Tami and I's apartment to see what she thinks about this but knowing her she will kick me out because she wants me to be with Michael. I opened the door looking around the apartment for Tami.

"Tami, are you home"? Tami's bedroom door opened quickly and Tami came out smiling.

"Well look who finally decided to come home, just kidding but it's be quieter without you" Tami said looking sad.

"I know I'm sorry but we need to talk" I said not sure how Tami's going to take this well. We sat down on the sofa and I said

"Tami, you know how I said Michael was up to something well he turned his spare room into a baby room and then he told me that he loved me and asked if I wanted to move in with him"? Tami looked up smiling

"Oh my gosh what did you say, did you say yes"? Tami said holding my hands looking excited for me.

"I didn't say anything because I wanted to see if you were okay with me moving apartments"? I asked

"Aw Natalie, it's sweet that you thought of me but don't worry about me I've got Luke and plus we weren't going to live in this apartment forever together sure it's going to suck without you but you will come visit me and plus you're having a baby with Michael your basically starting a family and I couldn't be happier"

"Is that a yes"?

"Yes it is you idiot" Tami said laughing. I pulled Tami into a hug and told her how great of a friend she was.

 - - -

Later in the day I was at the café working on one of the essay's for university that was due this Friday which is tomorrow and I've got to work on it non-stop. Shannon kept giving me coffee and it was free so I couldn't turn that down. So far I was half way with my essay and I was determine to get it done before I go back to my new apartment and tell Michael that I want to move in with him.

"Natalie"? I heard a deep voice say, I looked up seeing a handsome boy with brown eyes that seemed to have a hint of green in them, he also had ginger hair but I swear I've seen him before but maybe younger? He seemed star stuck and said "Natalie Mitchell is that you"?

"Yeah that's me, do I know you"? I asked shutting my laptop 

"You don't remember me"? The boy asked shoving his hands in his pockets

"Give me a clue" I asked.

"Do you remember a short guy with ginger hair and wasn't that best looking but you didn't care because he was your best friend at the time and as a joke you always called him Ranga"? My eyes widen and I soon smiled knowing the boy in front of me but I couldn't believe that puberty basically hit him like a train but one thing didn't change he was still wearing glasses that had tape wrapped around the middle.

"No freaking way Riley Wilson, is that really you"?

"Yeah it's me, mind if I..." Riley pointed at the seat in front of me and I smiled telling him to sit. "You look great Natalie but I can see something's changed" Riley looked at my stomach and I looked down smiling at my tummy then looking back up at Riley.

"Yeah it was a bit unexpected but we are excited" I said 

"I just didn't think you would be the first to get married and have a kid especially at this age" I laughed at Riley but he seemed confused

"I'm not married, I am dating someone and we having a kid that's why I said unexpected" I would have said at first we didn't date but I just didn't want to mention that part.

"So who is this lucky man"?

"Michael" Riley's face dropped and didn't seem happy

"As in Michael Clifford"?

"Yeah is that a problem"? I asked confused

"No it's a shocking and strange how throughout grade nine you wanted to date him and now look at you two"

"It is strange isn't it"? I said laughing but for some reason it still looked like Michael being the father was a problem for him.

"Alright ready to go"? Shannon said putting things into her bag I looked at Riley and said

"Well it was great seeing you again Riley" I packed everything up and before I left Riley stopped me

"Wait, why don't I get your number and we can catch up another time"?

"Yeah sure" Riley and I swapped numbers and before I left Riley pulled me into a hug and it was a nice friendly hug.

Shannon and I left the café and Shannon was giving me a look when we got in the car

"What"? I asked

"Who was that beautiful handsome boy who looked like a model"? She asked.

"His name is Riley he's an old friend of mine"

"Was he always that hot"?

"No he wasn't and Shannon you've got a man in your life and getting married to him" Shannon rolled her eyes and said

"Oh please if Ashton can look than I can look as well"

"But it was strange because once I mention Michael and I were together he got mad and it was strange"

"Maybe he somehow knows Michael; just ask Michael I'm sure he will tell you"

"Alright I will" Shannon pulled up outside my new apartment and I said my goodbyes to her and soon getting out of the car making my way up to Michael and I's apartment.

 - - -

I opened the door to the apartment where the TV was turned on but it was silent, normally Michael pops his head up and runs to me giving me a hug. I walked over to the couch seeing Michael curled up on the sofa and there were books around him and it was strange because Michael never reads and now he is? I grabbed one book and the title said

How to Become a Dad: For Dummies

I picked up more books and they were all about to be a great dad or be prepared for what's to come once that baby comes popping out. Why would Michael have these types of books he didn't need them he was already the perfect dad, but he must have had these for ages because I do remember him having pregnant theme movies. Michael started to groan and I could tell he was waking up

"Babe, is that you" Michael said in a sleepy voice

"Yeah" Michael was slowly opening his eyes and he seemed to notice what was in my hand

"Shit" he said under his breath "You aren't supposed to see those"

"Michael it's fine but why do you have them"? I sat down next to Michael giving him a concern look

"I'm just preparing myself for when our baby arrives"

"But Michael you're going to be a good dad I just know it"

"Thanks Natalie but I'm still scared about this whole thing and I just don't want to fuck anything up" I held onto Michael's hand sitting closer to him

"I'm scared as well but listen remember what you said months ago we can get through this together and I couldn't of asked for a better man in my life right now because your perfect" I gave Michael a kiss when we pulled away Michael was smirking and said

"You have no idea how cheesy you sounded but that's one of the reasons why I love you" Michael leaned in kissing me again, the kiss got deeper and soon I was leaning on the head of the couch but I pushed Michael away.

"Wow, slow down there Mr. Clifford maybe another time"

"Why not now babe"?

"I'm tired and I just want to go to bed and I don't care how early it is"

"Do you want me to carry you to bed" I nodded at Michael and he soon got up picking up and taking me into our room.

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