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Later that night I was having trouble sleeping and I knew it was because of the baby, Michael was fast asleep but all I wanted was cuddles from him but I didn't want to disturb him from his sleep. I kept moving around the bed but I couldn't go to sleep and I needed to sleep because tomorrow I'm seeing Ashton and Shannon and I don't want to be falling asleep while I'm out with them. I was about to fall asleep until I felt something and that was a kick and it was the first time our baby has kicked. I sat up tapping Michael.

"Michael wake up" Michael woke up slowly groaning

"What is the baby coming"?

"No, not yet but I felt a kick" Michael sat up and a smile grew on his face

"A kick"? Michael said. I nodded and Michael put a hand on my belly even if the baby didn't kick the second time Michael was still happy knowing that the baby was here and soon coming out into the real world. After that little moment we laid back down and I was still trying to get to sleep but couldn't that was until Michael wrapped his arms around me cuddling up to me.

- - -

The next morning Michael and I were all snuggled up in bed and I actually didn't want to get out of bed after Michael cuddled up to me last night I slept like a baby. I knew I had to go get ready and luckily Michael was fast asleep. I got up walking to my bag that I always leave at Michael's encase I sleep over I grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom taking a shower. Once I was dress Michael was still fast asleep I walked up to him kissing him on the forehead and before I walked out the door I left him a note. I shut the door quietly behind me making my way to Shannon and Ashton's house.

It was actually a beautiful day in Sydney and I felt so happy, I arrived outside their house walking up the steps and knocked on the door. Seconds later I was greeted by Ashton

"Natalie, I thought you wouldn't come" he gave me a big hug and when we pulled away he looked at my belly "My gosh you've grown since I last saw you, come in tell me everything" Ashton put an arm around me shutting the door behind me and soon announced I was here. Shannon came around the corner running up to me giving me a big hug.

"You've grown so much, how much longer"? Shannon asked

"Three more months" I said

"Have you found out what gender"? Ashton asked, I nodded at them both and said

"It's a girl"

"A girl, oh she's going to be such a beautiful girl" Shannon said

"So what's your news that you wanted to tell me"? I asked, Ashton and Shannon looked at each other smiling

"Take a seat Natalie" I sat down and Ashton sat down next to me and I was getting worried

"If this is bad news and you guys are going to announce that you're breaking up I will kill you both" they both laughed and Ashton smiled at me and said

"I finally proposed"

"You what"?! I quickly looked at Shannon and she held up her hand showing the beautiful engagement ring on her finger. "Oh my gosh, about time you did it" I told Ashton, it's taken Ashton forever to propose and it's finally happening. I gave Ashton a big hug and I soon stood up giving Shannon a hug "Oh my gosh, so when's the wedding"?

"It's actually three months from now, we decided it last night since Ashton got offered to go on that trip with your teacher and he will be leaving in four months so we thought why not sooner"? Shannon said looking at Ashton holding his hand. 

"Well I'll be there and make sure of it" I said. To think in three months Shannon and Ashton will be married and I'll have a child.

"Well in that case do you think you're up for being my maid of honor" I looked at Shannon smiling

"Are you serious"?


"Oh my gosh yes I would love too, this day just keeps getting better and better" I was smiling like an idiot. My life was actually getting better after spending the day with Ashton and Shannon I decided to head back to my apartment with Tami. While I was walking past the café I noticed lilac hair the same that Michael had I walked back and saw Michael with some girl who was beautiful she had beautiful long blonde hair and she was just beautiful but what was more heartbreaking was seeing hold her hand smiling at her. I felt my eyes watering and I felt like an idiot thinking Michael was falling for me and he was probably just being nice.

- - -

I opened the door to my apartment and thank god Tami was there sitting on the couch, her head pop up and she noticed I was sad

"What happened"?

"I saw Michael with a really beautiful blonde girl" Tami stood up and said

"Let me get the ice cream" Tami ran into the kitchen coming back with chocolate chip ice cream and we sat down on the couch having ice cream "Okay explain to me"

"Well I was walking past the café and I saw Michael's purple hair and next thing I knew he held her hand like he was caring for her and I just feel stupid Tami, to think that he actually liked me"

"Wow, wow listen if Michael didn't like you then he would have left you ages ago"

"What if his changes his mind though"

"Then I don't know, maybe you should just have a break from Michael and come back here"

"Yeah I think that would be best, but I might need to go back and get my things"

"Alright but if he comes when you're still there you have to talk to him"

"Yeah I will" soon the door opened and standing there with bags of food and drinks with DVD's in his hand was Luke announcing

"Who's ready for annual movie night"?

"Luke I think Natalie is joining us tonight"

"Why, is Michael here as well"?

"No, I'm taking a break from Michael" I said softly

"What, why"? Luke said annoyed putting his bags down, I looked up at Tami wanting her to explain

"Natalie saw Michael with some beautiful blonde girl today"

"Wait did you say blonde hair"? Luke said raising an eyebrow at me

"Yeah, do you know something I don't"?

"I hate to say this but I think there's a chance Michael was with his ex-girlfriend Amanda"

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