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Today I was leaving the hospital bringing Ella home with me, Michael seemed more excited to bring Ella home than I was. Everyone seemed to love Ella especially Tami and I think Ella loves Tami as well oh and she also loves Ashton.

We were making our way up to the apartment and Michael was behind me holding Ella. I grabbed the key out opening the door and it was still the same as I remembered it, I put my bag down and I turned around seeing Michael bouncing up and down with Ella in his arms he was so in love with Ella and I knew he didn't want to let her go and would make sure she would never get hurt.

"Welcome home Ella" Michael was walking around the apartment telling Ella all the rooms and where the kitchen was finally Michael left Ella's room until last. I opened the door and Michael walked in with Ella and said "Last but not least your room that I created myself"

"That involved a lot of swearing and dropping things" I said

"Shh you" Michael said

 - - -

Later in the night Michael and I were cuddled up on the bed just staring at each other, Michael was playing with my hair and he said

"I hope Ella's okay"?

"Michael she's fine, she's in the room next door remember and she's sleeping peacefully and the way you're going, you're going to be an over protective father"

"I am not only when it comes to guys" I rolled my eyes "What, I don't want my daughter running around with a bad boy when she starts dating"

"You were known as bad boy you know but you have a kind heart"

"Yeah but"

"Michael, just enjoy Ella being a baby because next thing you know we'll be seeing her leaving high school and leaving us"

"Fine but you know what else I want to do"?


"I want to cuddle with my beautiful girlfriend and give her lots of kisses" Michael started attacking me with kisses making me laugh.

"Michael stop it" he pulled the covers over us as we started making out but soon we heard the cries of a baby, I pulled away from Michael groaning but I soon got up but Michael stopped me pulling me onto the bed.

"Let me do it, you need rest" Michael kissed me on the forehead and soon made his way to Ella's room, I knew I picked the perfect guy to father my child.

- - -

A year later...

Today was Ella's first birthday and in a year a lot has happened, Michael and I are still dating we may have gotten into some fights along the way but in the end we still love each other also since Ella is growing up we moved into an actual house. A couple of months ago we got Calum to go on a date and his now with a girl named Grace. Luke and Tami finally moved in together and I have a feeling Luke will be popping the big question soon. Shannon and Ashton are still married which is good because they are meant to be and they both know what I would do if you they decided to break up.

I was setting up the back yard while Michael was getting Ella dressed, I was getting the BBQ ready until Michael shouted


"Yeah I'm coming" I put the last chair down making my way upstairs

"NATALIE"! Michael yelled again, I opened the door seeing Michael trying to dress Ella but it wasn't working.

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