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I woke up by the sound of something dropping followed by Michael swearing, I slowly got up walking out of my room looking around the apartment.

"Michael, where are you"? I heard crashing again and I noticed Michael was in the spare room. I knocked on the door trying to open it but it was locked. "Michael what's going on in there"?

"Uh nothing, just hang on a sec" I heard Michael say

"Alright" I step back and Michael came out in jean shorts and no shirt. "What are you doing in there"? I asked trying to look in the room.

"That my love is a surprise" Michael kissed me on the lips but I pulled away not giving up

"But seriously tell me, please" I said pouting

"Natalie don't you dare do that look you know I always give in to that" Michael told me wrapping his arms around me.

"Good" I said smiling

"Come on Nat just let this be a surprise and promise me you won't go into this room"

"Okay, fine I promise" I gave Michael a hug that I wanted and I said "Make me breakfast I'm hungry" Michael kissed me on the head and said

"Anything for you" Michael walked into the kitchen, I turned around looking at the door what the hell Michael was up too in that room but I promise him I would wait and I keep my promises.

 - - -

Later that day I was going to Ashton and Shannon's house, where I would be helping Shannon and also Michael wanted to me out of the apartment. I knocked on the door waiting for Shannon to answer finally the door open and Shannon stood there smiling.

"I'm so glad you're here, we've got so much to do and plus Ashton is out with his friends so there won't be any distraction"

"Well for you" I said smirking

"Just come inside" Shannon said laughing; she made me a cup of tea while I walked into the lounge room seeing many wedding magazines.

"Shannon how many wedding magazines did you buy"? I yelled, Shannon walked in the lounge room laughing and said

"Oh I didn't buy them Ashton brought them and thought it would help me, isn't he the sweetest"

"You know if Ashton wasn't dating you, I would think he is gay"

"Don't worry even if he is dating me I still think he's gay the way he acts around his best mate Calum" was Shannon referring to Calum the guy that I met months ago.

"Uh does this Calum guy a kiwi and his really tanned and is his last name hood"?

"Yeah Calum is going to be Ashton's best man, they've been good friends for a couple of years"

"Well at least the best man won't be a stranger to me"

"How do you know Calum"?

"He's friends with Luke and Michael, I met him that night I saw Michael again"

"Well you know what they it's a small world after all" I rolled my eyes at Shannon's little joke, Shannon thinks she's funny but really she's not that funny.

The rest of the day Shannon and I were flipping through magazines looking at different themes but in the end Shannon wanted to go for the simple garden wedding. We had the front door open and we both knew Ashton was home.

"Honey I'm home" Ashton announced sounding like he was on some comedy show, he came into the lounge room taking his jumper off and came and sat down behind Shannon wrapping his arm around her waist giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you"

"I missed you too" Shannon said smiling at him and gave him a kiss on the lips, I cleared my throat warning that I was still here and hoping it was just a peck on the lips. Ashton looked at me smiling

"Hey Natalie"


"So what are you girls up too"?

"Just planning things for the wedding that's all"

"Can I know or do I have to wait"

"You can wait until the planning is done"

"Alright deal" Ashton kissed her again and I said

"You guys are so cute together, making me jealous"

"Well you've got Michael now, you've actually got a boyfriend" Ashton said pushing my lightly

"Shut up" I soon felt the baby kick once again and I held my tummy and Shannon seemed worried like something bad happened.

"Are you okay"?

"Yeah the baby just kicked that's all, she's been doing that lately"

"I can't believe in about three months you're going to have a baby"

"Yeah and you guys will finally be married and I won't have to annoy Ashton about popping the question" We all laughed at each other enjoying the rest of our afternoon, I couldn't believe what was happening in three months' time having a baby and one of my best friends getting married to someone he really loves.

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