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Later that night I was packing my bag that I kept at Michael's while Michael was out with who knows? I can't believe I was so stupid to think that Michael and I were a thing. I heard the door open and it must be Michael.

"Natalie, you here" I kept quiet trying to wipe away my tears so he wouldn't noticed I was crying. Michael came around the corner smiling but it soon faded once he notice I was packing. "Nat, why are you packing? Have you been crying"? he asked walking over to me quickly but I backed away.

"I'm going back to my old apartment" I said looking at him while walking to the draws grabbing my clothes.

"What why"? Michael asked looking hurt.

"Look Michael maybe it's best if we just stop seeing each other" I picked up my bag about to leave but Michael was in my way

"Natalie what's gotten into you, why are you talking like this"?

"Michael I saw you with your ex today at the café when I walked pass now if you don't mind I better get going" I walked past Michael about to open the door but Michael stopped me

"You can't be serious Natalie; Amanda is my ex-girlfriend listen to the word ex"

"So you're single aren't you, you can get back together with her"? I said tearing up again, I didn't want to leave but I didn't want to be here.

"Fine maybe your right" Michael said shoving his hand in his pockets it hurt when he told me and he wasn't going to fight for me but I should have known.

"Right I guess I'll see you around" I was about to open the door but Michael held my hand turning me around

"Before you go" Michael cupped my cheek and leaned in kissing me, we haven't kissed on the lips since about 6 months ago and this kiss was passionate and it felt like Michael meant it like the first time we kissed. We pulled away and Michael said "Natalie seriously Amanda means nothing to me now because I'm crazy for you and no one else the reason why you saw us in the café today was because she texted me telling she wants to talk so I went and I explained that I didn't want to get back together because there's this other girl that I'm crazy for and she's the only girl I want"

"Are you sure Michael, because I feel like you're only here because you feel sorry for me" I said

"Natalie I don't care if you've got a baby growing inside of you and I know at first I wasn't keen on us being something more because of my horrible relationship but right now over these couple of months I've fallen for you" Michael said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I have to ask one question"? I asked looking up at him.


"What are we, like are we dating or I don't know I'm just confused at the moment"?

"Well" Michael held my hand just smiling at me "Natalie Mitchell I know I've taken forever to ask you this and mum has probably told you that but would you like to be my girlfriend even though I thought we were but still this is like an official thing but anyway" I rolled my eyes leaning in giving Michael a kiss soon pulling away

"Was that to shut me up"? He asked

"Yes and also that was my way of saying yes I will be your girlfriend"

"Also Nat if something like this happens again let's promise we talk to each other first before someone walks out"

"I promise"

"Good, because I don't know what I would do if I lost you and our little girl" Michael told me putting a piece of hair behind my ear giving me a peck on the lips. I guess today was a roller coaster first I was happy then mad and then sad and now I'm happy again and it stayed that way all night while Michael and I sat on the couch watching movies and me telling him about today. I soon fell asleep resting on Michael I wasn't sure if he fell asleep also but I did sleep like a baby that night dreaming about the future once this baby arrives.

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So I'm trying to come up with other idea with Michael and Natalie getting into a fight causing one of them too leave so if you have an idea tell me or tell me what you want to see what happens next?

Thanks for the comments and keep voting and tell your followers it would be awesome if you did that :)

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