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I was in the middle of getting dressed running around trying to find my good shoes that go with my dress while Tami and Luke were cuddling on the couch watching some movie.

"Natalie, would you keep it down were trying to watch a movie" Luke said, I grabbed the closet thing next to me which was luckily a pillow throwing it at him. "Ouch, what the fuck Nat"? Luke said turning around looking at me.

"Stop being a dick" I said.

"You two stop it, Luke stop being a dick to my best friend or else" Tami said pointing Luke being serious

"Or else what"? He said teasing moving in closer to Tami

"Don't make me break up with you because I'm not afraid too" Luke quickly looked at me smiling

"Sorry Natalie" Luke looked back at Tami smiling and she said

"Your such a suck up, can't believe you thought I would actually break up with you and for being a dick to my best friend I'm going to go help her while you watch the rest of this movie" Tami said getting up but Luke grabbed her hand.

"But babe, I want cuddles" Luke said.

"Cuddle the pillow babe" Tami said letting go of Luke's hand and walking into my bedroom to help me out. 

- - -

My shoe was found and my hair was perfect since Tami did it. I was sitting on the sofa waiting for Michael. I noticed that I was growing a small baby bump and got up looking in the mirror knowing in a few months that it was going to get bigger. There was knock on the door and before I could even walk to the door Tami beat me to it. I grabbed my handbag walking over towards the door seeing Michael talking to Tami. Michael noticed me half smiling and said

"Wow, Natalie you look beautiful" I blushed and said

"Thank you"

"So uh should we get going"? I asked running a hand through his hair. 

"Yeah" Michael and I walked out before I closed the door Tami yelled out

"You kids have fun"!

"Yeah use protection this time" Luke yelled, before I shut the door I threw something at him and luckily he ducked.

- - -

Michael and I were walking down the streets of Sydney getting to know each other and what we've been up to after school.

"So wait, wait you have two jobs why"? Michael asked

"I actually don't have a reason I just felt like getting two jobs" I said shrugging  

"You're a strange girl, you know" Michael said laughing. 

"Oh really what about you Mr. Clifford what have you been doing since high school"?

"Well actually I dropped out of school and at the moment I have gigs down at this place that opened a month ago other than that I work with my dad yeah I guess it pays for my apartment" Michael said not looking impress with himself. 

"Wait you still sing"? I asked surprise remembering that Michael would always have a guitar in his hand singing either Blink 182 songs or All Time Low songs.

"Yeah I never stopped"

"That's good to hear because I thought you were a pretty good singer"

"Oh well maybe I should sing for you sometime" Michael was smirking at me and I said

"Yeah I would like that, so where are you taking me because we've been walking for about 10 minutes"?

"We're almost there it's just around the corner" when we went around the corner we were in front of a tall gate and I was confused

"Don't tell me we aren't breaking in"?

"No, I have a key my dad knows some people and he let me use this place tonight" Michael got the key out and opened the gate. "Ladies first" I walked into the area and when I went around the corner I saw a table for two set up in this garden with fairy lights hung above us and this was the most romantic thing anyone has done for me. I turned around looking at Michael smiling

"You did this for me"?

"Well yeah you see back in year nine I imagined our first date like this and don't worry I haven't used this one any other girl I kept this encase we ever saw each other again and went on a date" I couldn't stop smiling and I felt myself tear up "Wow, are you crying don't cry" Michael said getting worried.

"Sorry I don't mean too I've been getting very emotional lately" Michael laughed at me walking over and soon pulling me into a hug.

"It's fine I understand now come on" Michael pulled away from the hug and we walked over to the table where there was food already there.

"So are you cooking now"? I asked

"No, my mum cooked it today once she heard I was going on date with someone she wanted to help out and plus she nearly got me to go on a blind date with one of her friends daughters" He said laughing at himself. I laughed at myself thinking about what my mum said about her friend's son.

"That's strange my mum was going to do the same, what's your mum's name"? I asked.

"Karen, why"? Michael said

"Oh my gosh our mum's were going to set us up" we both laughed at the fact that no matter what it seemed fate was trying to tell us something. There was something else on my mind and I just wanted to get it out of the way and ask Michael.

"So uh have you told your parents that you got a girl pregnant"?

"No not yet it's been a lot to take in and I don't know what my parents will think, how about you? have you told your mum and dad"?

"Well actually I don't speak to my dad anymore and I actually told my mum today since I had no choice because I threw up at work in the trash can"

"Oh that sucks, did she take it well"?

"Well she was actually really supportive" Michael held my hand on the table and he said

"Look I promise I will tell my parents soon but at the moment I just can't" I gave him a 'it's okay' smile and said

"Take as much time as you need just don't make it the day the baby is born"

"Try not too" Michael winked at me and I can say the rest of the night was great just getting to know Michael and seeing what he's been up to lately.

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