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The ride home was quiet but I knew at some point Michael and I had to talk about his past life with Riley's sister. When we walked into the apartment Michael put the presents for the baby in the room and I knew now was the time I took a deep breath and said

"Michael, you know we have to talk about this sometime"

"Now's not the time Natalie" Michael said shutting the door to the baby room behind him.

"Michael I want to talk about it right now because what happened back there wasn't necessary"! I yelled at Michael

"Natalie it's none of your business"! Michael snapped at me. 

"I don't care Michael I need to know what the fuck you did to make Riley hate you so much and what did you do to his sister"? Michael turned around with anger in his eyes

"Fine you want to know what I did, I cheated on his sister twice and when I broke up with her I took her money and I know she didn't deserve it but at that time I didn't care because like Riley said I was a fuck up and I'm still a fuck up because I got you knocked up I don't even know why you stuck around Natalie" I was shocked at Michael how could he do something to Riley's sister that was wrong and cheating on her twice, I looked at the ground and said

"Fine you know what maybe I should just leave because right now it seems your regretting about raising a kid so it was nice living with you Michael, I'll be back in the morning for my things" I turned around grabbing my bag and I grabbed my phone calling Tami to come pick me up. Before I shut the door Michael stop me

"Wait Natalie I.." I didn't want to hear it, I shook my head and told him

"I think we need some space for a while and let you decide if you want this baby or not because right now I can tell you're not 100% I just hope you make your mind up before she's born" I shut the door behind me calling Tami while bursting into tears.

 - - -

I was sitting on the sofa with Luke while Tami was making me hot chocolate, Tami came over handing it to me

"I don't understand Michael doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that kind of thing" Tami said

"Oh he was" Luke said laughing at himself

"Wait you knew"? I asked Luke

"Yeah he is one of my best friends, Michael had family problems and this was happening while he was dating Riley's sister Zoe besides the family problems he was fighting with Zoe a lot and we all knew they would break up at some point Michael went out with us one night and he got really drunk and left next morning he came back to my apartment and explain that he hooked up with a chick and that was the start of his cheating business but he only did it twice and swore to never do it again" I shook my head in disappointment

"Luke I don't care if it's only twice once you cheat you're a cheater and you can't take it back that's when people lose respect for you and the fact that he ran off with Zoe's money"?

"Michael was really troubled back than and luckily he had us to guide him and his family"

"Listen Nat you can move back in here if you want too until you and Michael finally decide what to do"

"I just don't know what to do when the baby comes, I at least want Michael do be there to see his daughter and if he doesn't want her then I guess I'm moving back in with mum and becoming a single mum"

"You're moving away from the city, your mum lives so far away"

"I know but if Michael isn't one hundred per cent in this then I have no choice and don't worry I'm sure me and the baby will visit" Tami cuddled up to me and she said

"You better come visit me heaps because I need to see my best friend"

"Don't worry I will" I said 


 - - -

The next morning I was down at the café with Shannon helping her out before the wedding next week, I couldn't believe they were getting married next week. Michael and I still haven't spoken to each other well Michael has tried to call me but I've been ignore him and his text.

"Natalie" Shannon and I looked up seeing Riley standing there, I wasn't talking to Riley either after what he did

"What do you want Riley"? I said

"Can I talk to you, alone"? I looked at Shannon and she said

"You'll be fine just talk to him" I nodded my head and Riley sat down and said

"Natalie, I'm so sorry for what happened I didn't mean for this to happen I was just jealous because Michael gets all the girls and I did like you Natalie and I really don't know what came over me because you're pregnant for god shake I'm really sorry I just want my best friend back" I leaned over giving Riley a big hug and I said

"I've missed you as well, but kiss me again and I will kick you in the balls"

"Fair enough, so if you don't mind me asking how have you and Michael been"?

"We haven't been talking since the baby shower and I can tell Michael just doesn't want to be here with me or for the baby"

"Really because at the baby shower Michael wouldn't shut up about the fact that you and him were having a child and how excited he was"

"Really when did he say that"?

"Well you know how you went outside for fresh air well once you left everyone started asking him how excited he was and I could tell by the look on his face he was excited and couldn't wait and that's why I came outside because I did get jealous but now that I think of it Michael does love you and probably wants to fix things but he doesn't know what to say because his scared"

"That does sound like Michael"

"Then what are you waiting for go tell Michael, how you feel and then you can both say you're sorry" I nodded and got up saying goodbye to Riley and started fast walking to Michael's apartment.

 - - -

I walked down the hall way and came across the door I always came home to, I knocked on the door ready to jump into Michael's arms but my smile dropped seeing someone I didn't expect and that was his ex-Amanda.

"Ew what do you want"? she said chewing on gum

"I um I" I said; I couldn't speak and I couldn't believe Michael went back to his ex. 

"Well, come on spit it out preggers" what the fuck did Michael see in her?

"Amanda who's at the door" I heard Michael say from inside

"I don't know some pregnant chick" Michael was behind Amanda and his eyes widen

"Natalie" He said walking up to the door.

"I'm sorry for interrupting something I should go" I said shaking my head 

"Yeah you should" Amanda said

"Right" I walked down the hall, almost tearing up and before I entered the elevator I heard Michael's voice

"Natalie, hang on" I turned around and said

"You don't have to explain anything Michael I can see that you've moved on so what's done is done" I got into the elevator pressing the button and luckily the doors shut before Michael could stop me. I leaned against the wall and started crying I looked down at my pregnant belly and said

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm sorry that your dad won't be around but I'll make sure you will have the best life ever and spoil you rotten, I hope"

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