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The day had finally arrived for Shannon and Ashton and I was excited but it wasn't showing because I was still down about Michael getting back together with Amanda and the thing was this baby would be arriving soon I don't know when but it's almost the end of the month and I had a feeling I was overdue. I was in one room with the girls getting dress Tami was putting the flower that goes with the braid maids dress in my hair. Tami wasn't a bride maid but she still like to help out since Shannon was putting her dress on.

"Alright she's ready" announced Shannon's mum, Shannon came around the corner in her wedding dress and I smiled

"Shannon you look beautiful, Ashton is such a lucky guy"

"Well I feel like the luckiest girl" Shannon was talking to her mum so I decided to go see Ashton, I knocked on the door and a smiling Calum opened the door

"Natalie, wow you look beautiful" Calum said smiling at me.

"Thank you, is Ash in there"? I asked

"Yeah come in" when I walked in there Luke was on the sofa while Ashton was in the mirror trying to do his tie but I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"Nervous I see" I said to Ashton, he turned around and said

"Yeah, can you help me out"? Ashton asked. I walked up to him doing his tie up and Ashton said

"You look beautiful by the way"

"Thank you and you look handsome, you all do"

"We know" Luke and Calum said with smirks on there lips

"So how have you been lately Natalie"?

"I've been fine"

"And when do you leave"?

"Once I have this baby at the moment I'm staying with Tami and once this baby comes I'll be gone"

"It's going to suck not seeing you around"

"Don't worry I'll visit heaps"


"Promise" I said smiling, someone walked in and it was the wedding planner and said

"Who's ready to get married" we all looked at Ashton and he smiled putting his hand up

"Me" we all walked to the main area and the groom's men and brides maid got into place, Calum and I were the last to walk down the aisle.  After the two couples in front of walked down, Calum and I went and Ashton soon walked down the aisle looking nervous as ever and when he made it the cords to 'here comes the bride' started playing and everyone stood up and Shannon walked down the aisle, she looked beautiful as ever I looked at Ashton and his nerves were gone and I could tell he was tearing up and he had the biggest smile on his face.  

The ceremony felt like it went on for ever but it came to an end and they got up to the part where the bride and groom kiss and I couldn't have been happier for my best friends, they ran down the aisle and Ashton threw his fist in the air like he won the prettiest girl in the world's heart and he sure did.

 - - -

Later that night I was sitting at the table watching everyone dancing with each other while I sat there seeing everyone happy, I tried to be happy but I couldn't they were playing Ed Sheeran's 'Thinking out loud' and it made me think of me and Michael when we were being stupid and danced around his apartment while cleaning and this song came up and Michael started dancing with me. I just wish Michael was here.

"Excuse me miss" I looked up and a smile grew on my face seeing Michael standing there and it seemed he went back to his blonde hair. "I couldn't help but notice you were all alone and wanted to know if you would like to dance with me" I nodded and Michael held out his hand grabbing mine and we made our way to the dance floor.

"What are you doing here Michael"? I asked

"Well Ashton called me up and told me what's been going on and that I needed to talk to you and I really do, what happened last week with Amanda"

"Look Michael it's fine if you want to get back together with Amanda"

"Amanda is out of my life Natalie, she invited herself over because she heard that you and me got into a fight I was about to tell her everything and the fact that I don't want to see her anymore but someone called me and once I got off the phone I heard her talking to someone and I was so happy to see you at the front door but next thing I knew I lost you and I've been a mess again without and I am 100 per cent in this nothing will change my mind because I love you Natalie and only you"

"I love you too, Michael" Michael and I leaned in about to kiss but before I kissed him my eyes widen and I backed away from Michael, he seemed curious why I didn't kiss him but before he spoke I held onto his hand and said

"Michael, the baby is coming"

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