Chapter 7

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Rick looked over at Mill who was sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat. The steady rise and fall of her chest under her military uniform set him at ease slightly. Knowing that she was alright made him less stressed. Letting out a soft sigh Rick picked up the radio and pressed the coms button.

"Broadcasting on Emergency Channel. Will be approached Atlanta on highway 85. Anybody reads, please respond." Rick spoke into the radio releasing the coms button to wait for a response. He waited for about a minute until he got tired of the static. He tries again raising the radio to his mouth before pressing the coms button.
"Hello. Hello. Can anybody hear my voice? Anybody out there? Anybody hears me, please respond. Hello, can you hear my voice?"
Again there was static. Rolling his eyes Rick let's out a frustrated huff.
"Hello. Hello. Can anyone hear my voice?" Nothing but the annoying sound of static.
"Can you hear my voice?" Getting sick of asking the same thing over and over Rick decided to end the radio broadcast.
"If anybody reads this please respond, broadcast on emergency channel. Will be approaching Atlanta on highway 85. If anybody reads, please respond." That was his last try. If anyone was gonna respond they would've by now. So yet again sighing he places the radio back in its original place.

Rick them looks up at the visor before pulling it down to reveal a picture of Lori, Carl, and himself. He admired the photo for a couple seconds before gently pulling it from the visors grasp and placing it in the from chest pocket of his uniform.

Just arriving on the outskirts of Atlanta Rick's car finally comes to a stop. The sudden jolt of the car coming to a stop made Mill spring up ready for action. Rick places assuring hand up in the air making her calm down a bit.
"It's fine we just ran out of gas." He spoke making Mill nod her head in understanding before opening her door to get out and stretch. Rick soon followed her after popping the trunk. Walking to the trunk Rick saw Mill standing guard crossbow in her hands as she scans the surrounding area. They still weren't on good term after their last fight and Mill's hand now covered in a partly white cloth. The blood seeping through the makeshift bandage more pronounced against the paleness of her skin and camo of her uniform.
"That still bleeding?" He asked opening the trunk and reaching in to get the tank and funnel out.
"It's fine." Came Mill's sharp and short reply not even bothering to look at him even though she could feel his eyes burning holes into the back of her head.

Gathering what they needed from the car the two made their way forward. Rick taking the front while Mill took the back. Every so often they would cast glances at each other silently checking in the other was still with them. A ways down the road they come across a rather old looking farm house. The place looked unkept, the lawn overgrown and vines creeping their way up the side of the house. The two move to the front door splitting to cover more ground. Mill looks through the windows while Rick knocks on the door before taking a few steps back.
"Hello? Police Officer out here. Can I borrow some gas?" Rick spoke his voice not going over a quiet shout afraid of what might happen if he did so. When no one answered the door Rick moves closer until he was about a foot or so away from it.
"Hello? Hello? Anybody home?" He spoke again a little louder this time. Again no one answered making Rick slightly confuzzled. Peering through the door window he was a dark house and not a sign of movement or life.

"Rick." Mill's voice was muffled making Rick slightly worried. Jogging over to where her voice was heard he sees Mill standing on the porch starring through a window with a hand over her mouth. Rick felt his body relax slightly seeing her unharmed before walking to her and peering through the window she was at. The sight startled him slightly never seeing something like that before.
Inside was what looked like a family blood was everywhere in the room. Upon closer examination Rick noticed the male in the chair had a shot gun in his hand as if he was the one who shot his family them himself. On the wall were the words "God forgive us." Written in blood. Shaking slightly Rick moves away from the window practically dragging Mill away as well.

They make their way to a bench but didn't sit down together. Instead Mill stayed standing with her back against a tree one boot clayed foot rested against the tree as she held her crossbow in front of her. Spitting on the ground Rick tried not to heave. The image was practically burnt into his head and he could just imagine the stench emitting off them. Seeing Mill move from her stop against the tree out of the corner of his eye Rick glances up seeing her going over to a old truck. He made no move to get up through knowing she could handle herself if anything happened. A few moments later Mill came back and stood in front of him making Rick look up.
"No eyes." She spoke making Rick nod his in understanding and stand up. They start to make their way back to the road. This time Mill leading with Rick following. Only for the two of them to stop suddenly hearing the sound of a horse.

They make their way to the backyard Mill mentality slapping herself for not hearing the horse before. Rick opens the gate spooking the horse making it trot back and forth as frightened and distressed sounds came out of its mouth. Rick grabbed a rope from the fence and makes is way towards the horse.
"Easy now. Easy. I'm, not going to hurt you, nothing like that, more like a proposal. Atlanta's just down the road a ways. It's safe there... food, shelter, people. Other horses to I bet. How's that sound?"
The horse calms down as if liking the idea, Rick gently throws the rope around the horses neck.
"There we go. Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. Now come with me. Come on. Come on, good boy."
Mill had to suppress a laugh that was bubbling inside her as she watched Rick talk to the beautiful animal while guiding it into the barn. She soon followed Rick and the horse seeing Rick place a saddle onto the horses back before strapping it onto the horse. Getting the other necessary equipment he needed he hops onto the making sure it was safe for his hurt companion.

Making her way towards him Mill sighs as she secures the bag full of guns and her crossbow onto her back before grabbing Rick's outstretched hand helping her up and onto the horse. Getting as comfortable as possible she loosely wraps her arms around Rick's waist. The horse walked out of the barn and into the field with ease making Rick feel comfortable with the pace and the feeling of being on a horse.
"Just go easy okay? I haven't done this in a few years." Rick spoke to the horse before almost falling off when it went into a canter.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa?" Rick's voice held fear as the horse didn't show a sign of stopping. Mill again had to suppress a laugh at her friends reaction and priceless face.
The horse then begins to run. Making Rick holds on the reins tighten. His knuckles turned white and his nails dug into his palm. The hold on his waist tightened as well, sensing his friends discomfort Rick pulls on the reins trying to make the horse slow to a walk.
"Easy now. Easy boy. Easy. Easy. Eas- whoa whoa whoa whoa." Finally slowing down the horse Rick's grip on the piece of leather between his hands loosens as well as his companions hold on him.

About an hour or so later they made it to the main highway leading into Atlanta. The outbound lanes were littered with cars. Some were totally recked while others had bust and grime on them. It didn't take them long to cross the bridge leading into the city. The paved paths once filled with the hustle and bustle of people were now empty and motionless besides the occasional rustle of a bag or paper moving around the littered streets. The skyscrapers and tall buildings that lined the streets didn't show any life at all. The city was deserted.

Slowly making their way down the empty and deadly silent streets they happen to pass a recked bus. Most of the windows where shattered or cracked the doors stuck open and the paint was dull and dirty. Keeping her eyes trained on the bus Mill saw walkers starting to get up from their seats.
"Rick." She hissed getting his attention and making him turn his head to look at her. Mill only nodded in the direction of the walkers following them slowly. Making Rick look over at them. The horse seemed to notice as well and steered a little uncomfortably with the current situation he was in.

Hey guys hope you are all doing well. Sorry I haven't been updating this book like I did the other 6 parts. Having some mom issues is all, but I'm getting back to writing this and hey when you're reading this I might already have some more parts done or for newcomers maybe even the whole book. Hope you like the new story so far I'm having a lot more fun writing it. Stay safe, wash your hands, and I will see you in the next chapter. Buh bye!

"Where there's life, there's possibly."~Morgan Jones

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