Chapter 17

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After the incident with Mill,  Carl watches his dad and a group go to Atlanta to retrieve Merle. His eyes filled up with tears as he watches his dad until he couldn't see the trunk anymore. Taking a quick glance at the RV Carl runs over to his tent catching his mom's attention.
"Hey." Lori spoke entering the tent to see Carl laying on his bed, tears sliding down his cheeks.
"You know, I bet they'll be just fine, Mill will be to." She spoke softly making her son look up at her with sad eyes.
"I'm not worried. Are you?" Carl asked making Lori give a small smile.
"Yeah, a little." She confessed not wanting to tell him she was more then just a little scared.
"Don't be." He reassured a small but present smile on his face. His statement makes Lori look at him slightly confused.
"Think about it mom. Everything that's happen to them so far, nothing's killed them yet." His response makes Lori chuckle and reach her hand over to hold his to pull him out of bed.
"Do you want to go see if Mills awake or do it later?" Carl looked from his mom to the ground deep in thought before a small smile returns to his face.
"I would like to see her know, just to make sure she's ok." Lori nods her head before walking her sun towards the RV.

The sound of the door opening alerts Mill making her turn her gaze from the window to see who was there. A smile soon broke onto her face seeing that it was only Carl and Lori. Carl seeing that she was awake runs towards her bringing her into a hug.
"Wow buddy, take it easy." Mill laughed returning the hug.
"Sorry." Carl spoke retracting his hold around the wounded women slightly.
"You know Daryl stabbed you right?" Mill nods her head watching as he pulled back.
"It was probably an accident though." Carl quickly nods his head in agreement causing Mill to smile
"Accidents happen you don't know how many times I screwed up." Mill joked causing Lori and Carl to chuckle.
After a few minutes of talking Lori places a hand on Carl's shoulder making the boy look up at her.
"Come on we should let her have some rest. Don't you think so?" She asked seeing Mill's tired eyes. Carl nods his head giving Mill a quick hug before exiting the RV.
"Get some rest, okay?" Lori spoke making Mill nod her head. Lori only smiled before stepping out of the RV.

Three hours later

Mill slowly opened her eyes the sun shining through the little window next to her causing her to squint. Deciding that she wanted to get up and moving Mill slowly sits up the burning in her stomach increasing as she does so. Swinging her legs off the side of the makeshift bed Mill grabs onto the counter next to her. A hiss escapes her lips along with a few choice words as she pulls herself up to stand. Once getting up she stands there for awhile waiting for the pain to settle before she even tried to move. She looked down at herself while she waited noticing that she was wearing a pair of mid thigh jean shorts as well as a tank top. She wasn't too pleased with the fact she was wearing shorts like that, she didn't like her thighs that much and didn't want people to see them. Deciding that she didn't want to change and hurt even more she simply made her way out of the RV.
Once she exited people around the camp smiled at her, happy to see her on her feet once more.
"Well look if it isn't miss queen bee." Dale jokes from above making Mill turn to look up at him, hand covering her eyes from the sun.
"I don't know this queen bee you speak of, Dale." She joked along causing some of the group to chuckle. Mill then looked around the group to see most of the women missing.
"Hey, where is Andrea and them?" She asked making Dale gesture towards the lake.
"Their down by the lake doing laundry." He responds making Mill turn slightly towards the lake.
"And Mary?" She questioned not turning to look at Dale.
"She's with Shane, again by the lake." Mill nods before carefully making her way down to the lake. Her hand was placed over her stomach the whole time making sure she doesn't hurt it that much.

Upon reaching the lake Mill saw Andrea, Amy, Jacqui, and Carol washing clothes in the lake water, also Ed. Walking over to them she cases Ed a weary look not liking him that much before going to stand by the girl. Amy was the first to notice her presence and smiles.
"Well look who's up." She states making the rest of the women look up as well.
"Dear You should be in bed resting." Jacqui comments making Mill smile.
"I just thought I could help out a bit, I feel useless just sitting around in the RV."
"You can help by not lifting anything or crouching down. We don't want those stitches to open." Andrea spoke a smile on her face.
"Well how about I just sit here and keep you guys company?" The girls look at each other before nodding their head making Mill sit down on a nearby rock. Splashing could be heard from behind her making Mill and a couple over women look over to see Shane with Carl and Mary splashing in the water.
"I'm beginning to question the division of lador here." Jacqui spoke going back to scrubbing a shirt. She gets a few yeahs in agreement from the other women.
"Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work?" Amy looked up at them all still washing the shirt she had in her hand.
"The world ended, didn't you get the memo?" She joked as Carol looked back at her husband who just stood there smoking.
"It's just the way it is." Her voice held sadness causing the other girls to go silent.

A couple shirts later Carol lets out a sigh.
"I do miss my Maytag." She spoke causing the over girls to nod.
"I miss my Benz, my Sat Nav."
"I miss my coffeemaker with the dual drip filter and built in grinder, honey."
"My computer... and texting."
While the others chimed in Mill said nothing, the only thing she really missed right now was something she could never get back.
"I miss my vibrator." Andrea confessed causing all the girls so laugh.
"Oh!" They called as Amy gives her sister a disgusted look.
"Oh my God!" She exclaimed causing the women to laugh again.
Carol looked around slightly before leaning in towards the girls.
"Me too." She whispered causing them to laugh harder.
"What so funny?" Ed demanded stomping over to the laughing women who go silent.
"Just swapping war stories, Ed." Mill states causing Ed to look over at her.
"Yeah." Amy agreed casting a glance at everyone else as she washed another shirt.
The man then walked over to stand behind Carol who shrinks down feeling his presence behind her.
"Problem, Ed?" Andrea asked getting pissed off.
"Nothing that concerns you." He spoke plainly before turning his attention to Carol.
"And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club."
Amy lets out a huff of air while Mill glares at the excuse of a man standing in front of her.

Andrea stands up suddenly and turns to Ed.
"Ed, tell you what. You don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." Andrea spoke sternly having enough of Ed's crap before tossing him a shirt. He catches it and throws it back at Andrea hard. The wet shirt hits her collarbone making her gasp. Finally having enough of this shit Mill stands up and made her way to Ed getting right up in his face.
"What is your job, Ed? Sitting in your ass smoking a cigarette." She spoke through gritted teeth making Ed glare at her.
"Mill don't." Carol spoke as the over women stare at the scene in front of them.
"Well it sure as hell ain't listening to some army ass bitch, who lost her husband in the war." He states causing some of the girls to gasp and Mill to just stand there with her mouth open not believing he just said that. He then turns to Carol.
"Come on. Let's go." He demanded causing Carol to stand only for Mill to step in front of her.
"I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed." With her arms crossed over her chest Mill glared at the taller man with pure hatred wishing he would just drop dead.
"And I say it's none of your business. Come on now. You heard me." He spoke towards Carol causing her to duck down slightly in fear.
"Carol." Andrea places a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up.
"Andrea, please, it doesn't matter." Carol spares a glance at Mill before getting yelled at by Ed causing her to look at him.

"Don't think I won't knock you on your ass just cause you're some army cooze. All right?" Mill growled causing most of the women around them to gasp in shock.
"Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later." Ed states looking at Carol completely ignoring Mill's threat.
"So she can show up with fresh brushes later, Ed? Yeah, we've seen them." Jacqui chimed in crossing her arms over her chest as well. Causing Ed to laugh not knowing Shane was listening to the whole conversation.
"Stay out of this. Now come on! You know what? This ain't none of y'all business. You don't want to keep prodding the bull here? Now I am done talking. Come on." He spoke coldly before grabbing onto Carol's arm, hard.

"See, you don't get to do that, to come into somebody's life, make them care and just check out." ~Dale

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