Chapter 19

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Shane, Mill, Mary, Carl, and Lori all say around the non lit fire talking to each other, Andrea and Amy had just got back from their fishing trip bringing home enough food to last the group a couple days. They all shared laughs and joked around until Dale came up to them.
"Hey Dale. When's the last time you oiled those line reels? They are a disgrace." Andrea spoke a smile on her face as she sets the reels down. Dale doesn't respond to the question causing some of the group to turn towards him.
"I, uh. I don't want to alarm anyone, but we have a bit of a problem." He spoke causing Shane to get up from his spot beside Mill. Once Shane for over to him dale pointed up on the hill near their camp causing some of the group to look up. They see dirt flying over the grass and a very tired Jim causing it. The group quickly made their was towards him wanting to know why he is digging in this heat. Jim doesn't even look up as they approach his main focus was on digging.
"Hey, Jim, Jim, why don't you hold up, all right? Just give me a second here, please." Shane spoke stepping closer to Jim who still didn't stop digging.
"What do you want?" He spoke causing the group to look at each other.
"We're all just a little concerned, that's all." Mill states stepping forwards slightly with Mary resting carefully on her hip. Morales nods in agreement looking over at Jim who still dug.
"Dale says you've been out here for hours." It was true Jim has been out her since the early hours.
"So?" Jim spoke his voice blunt making Shane cock his head to the side slightly.
"So why are you digging? Are you heading to China, Jim?" Shane asked wanting to know why Jim was digging so much.
"What does it matter? I'm not hurting anyone." Jim states continuing to dig making Mill frown.

"Yeah, except maybe yourself. It's a hundred degrees today. You can't keep this up." She states looking up at the clear sky feeling the sun beat down on her.
"Sure I can. Watch me."
"Jim, they're not gonna say it so I will. Your scaring people. Your scaring my son, Carol's and Mills daughters." Lori comments making Jim stop and look over at them.
"They got nothing to be scared of." This only makes Lori shrub her shoulder knowing for a fact that it scared almost everyone here.

"I mean what the hell people? I'm out here by myself. Why don't you all just go and leave me the hell alone?" Jim anger laced voice called causing Shane to shake his head.
"We think that you need to take a break, okay? Why don't you go and get yourself in the shade? Some food maybe. I'll tell you what, maybe in a little bit I'll come out here and I'll help you myself? Jim, just tell me what it's about. Why don't you just go a head and give me the shovel." Shane spoke holding out a hand for the shovel. Only for Jim to shove it in the ground and turn towards him.
"Or what?"
"There is no or what. I'm asking you I'm coming to you, and I'm asking you please. I don't want to have to take it from you." Jim seemed to be getting pissed off by Shane's answer.
"And if I don't, then what? Then you're gonna beat me in the face like Ed Peletier, aren't you, y'all seen his face. What's left of it. See now that's what happens when someone crosses you." Jim angered causing Mary to dig her head into Mill's neck.
"That was different, Jim." Shane sighed making Amy nod slightly.
"You weren't there. Ed was out of control. He was hurting his wife and Mill." Her comment makes Jim shove the shovel back into the dirt again before turning to them.
"That's is their fights. Not his. He's not the judge and jury. Who voted you king boss." This made Lori, Carol, and Mill hug their kids closer to them
"Jim, I'm not going to argues with you, all right? Just give me the shovel, okay?" Shane spoke reaching for the shovel only for Jim to yank it from the ground and hold it out of Shane reach.
"No. no. No." Jim muttered holding the shovel close to himself. Shane presses forward only for him to push him back.
"Just give me the shovel, Jim!" Shane spoke grabbing into the shovel making Jim grunt but he doesn't let go. Finally getting the shovel back Jim swings it at Shane who dodges just in time and tackles him to the ground, only for Jim to start screaming.

Mill finally having enough of this starts to make her way back to camp.
"Mama?" Mary asked causing Mill to look down at her and hum.
"Is Jim gonna be okay?" Mill stops for a moment looking down at her daughter with a sad smile.
"He's gonna be just fine. His just a little sick from the sun." She reassured making Mary nod her head and place it back onto her mom's shoulder. A small yawn escapes her lips causing Mill to smile and walk over to her tent. She gently places her inside her sleeping bag and stayed with her until Mary fell asleep. Then placing a kiss on Mary's forehead Mill makes her way out of the tent and closes it. She turns and see's that everyone has came back by now. Shane slowly approached her causing Mill to smile at him.
"How's Mary?" He asked making Mill glance towards the tent.
"She's doing fine. Took some reassurance but she's sleeping right now, it's been one hell of a day huh?" Shane nods his head as Mill looked up towards the sky.
"I hope they get back soon." Mill comments causing Shane to look at him.
"Their fine, Mill." Mill nods her head looking down at the ground. Feeling something wrap around her though Mill looked up to see Shane hugging her. She hugs his back feeling safe in his embrace. Neither of them knowing of the danger that will come.

"Hey, you shoot me again, you best prey I'm dead." Daryl Dixon

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