Chapter 23

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Rick pulls his gun out of its holster and points it at Mill making her stop and look at him. The group around them seemed to stop as shock took over their faces. Mill only glares at Rick.
"Come on Rick pull the trigger, I mean you want me dead anyway. Mister I won't care if you died." Her voice dripped with venom as she steps towards him. Daryl who was not being restrained by Shane anymore just looked between the two officers watching as Mill walks closer to Rick until his gun rested on her heart.
"Rick, stop this!" Lori cried out causing Rick to turn towards his side seeing her hugging Carl and Mary close to her. Seeing their fearful faces makes Rick sigh the look at the ground as he lowers his gun. Mill huffs as she walked past him muttering something about not wanting to be here before she bumped shoulders with Rick. The rest of the group watches her form walk away and into the forest before going back to what they were doing. Rick just stood where he was for awhile before turning to go talk to Andrea about Amy.

Mill keeps muttering things under her breath as she descends into the forest around the camp until she comes across an oak tree. It's giant trunk ascending into the sky at least forty feet. Seeing this as a better option then walking around the woods Mill starts to climb up until she sat fifteen feet above. She leans back against the tree and looks out into the forest around her. Her gaze though was soon trained on the camp. There she see's Morales and Daryl sorting through the bodies and Rick trying to talk to Andrea. Mill soon stiffens though seeing Andrea pull a gun on Rick who slowly backs away from her. This made Mill roll her eyes and scuff as her gaze returns to the forest. She lets one leg hand down as she swings it slightly not being able to sit still as the adrenaline from her resent fight still coursed through her. Mill soon returns her gaze to the camp only to see a group has formed around the fire. They were definitely talking about something.
"Figures." Mill scuffed goading down at the group. It was probably about her, how she needed to leave or how she always starts fights. These thoughts make Mill shake her head, she didn't want to believe them and part of her didn't, but the other part of her thought they were.

It has been a little over an hours now and Mill had somehow managed to fall asleep in the tree. The only thing that woke her up was the sound of approaching foot steps. She instantly becomes alert and reaches for her machete at her side. The foot steps grew louder as Mill waits for something or someone to come into view.
"Mill!" Some one yelled causing Mill to loosen her grip on her machete.
"Mill, come on everyone is worried about you, Mary is starting to get sad because she thinks that she might not see you again!" Mill looks down to see Lori at the base of the tree who looks around the forest. Seeing her walk past Mill lets out a sigh before dropping to the ground. She lands peacefully emitting little to no sound as she does so.
"Mill!" Lori called again causing the women to stand to her full height.
"You don't need to shout I'm right here." The sudden voice behind her causes Lori to jump and turn around with a hand over her racing heart.
"You almost gave me a heart attack, Mill. Don't do that." She scolded playfully hitting Mill in the arm lightly before the two make their way back to camp.

Once they stepped out of the woods and into the clearing the first thing Mill noticed was Jacqui backing away from Jim who frantically looked at her.
"A walker but Jim, a walker bit Jim." Jacqui called alerting most of the group. Mill grinds her teeth slightly as she glares at Jim who starts to freak out as the group starts to surround him.
"I'm ok, I'm ok." His reinsurance didn't nothing to the people around him and nothing for himself either.
"Show it to us. Show it to us." Daryl demanded pointing over at Jim as he passes around. The rest of the group seems to close in on Jim or at least most of the men did  causing Jim to reach behind him and grab the shovel. (What is it with this man and shovels?🤨) Shane was the first to walk towards him, with his main focus on Shane Mill took this opportunity to advance behind him looking for an opening. What she didn't realize though was the three pairs of eyes focused on her figure.
"Easy Jim." Shane spoke trying to get Jim to drop the shovel and calm down.
"Grab him." Daryl hollered causing Jim to tense up more his knuckles turning white as his grip tightened around the shovel.
"Jim, put it down. Put it down." Shane called trying to get his focus back on him.
"I'm ok, I'm ok." Jim spoke his voice uneven as he brought the shovel in front of himself leaving an opening that Mill was searching for. She quickly lunges at him grabbing ahold of his arms before pulling them behind him causing Jim to drop the shovel. Daryl was the one that came towards Jim now and wrenched the frightened man's shirt up to expose the bleeding bite mark. Only when Daryl dropped Jim's shift did Mill let go of Jim who stumbled back slightly looking from member to member.
"I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok." Jim in fact was not okay, his breathing became harder and more rapid and not just because of the adrenaline.
"I'm ok." He spoke watching as the group walks away from him all besides Mill. Jim stares at her not expecting to see her still here.

She nods in the direction of the RV causing Jim to follow her until Mill sat him down and walked away. She soon turns around through making Jim look at him.
"You stay here until we make a decision about what to do, don't come over until someone says you can. You never know what someone could do." Mill warns looking at Jim with sorry eyes. Jim only nods his head and turns to look somewhere else beside his fate being decided before him.
"I say we put a pickaxe in his head and the dead girls and be done with it." Daryl states as Mill joins the group. Resting against his shoulder was a pickaxe covered in blood from impaling the heads of the dead.
"Is that what you'd want if it were you?" Shane asked turning to look at Daryl who nods his head.
"Yeah, and I'd thank you while you did it."  He confirmed as Mill looked around the small circle.
"I hate to say it... I never thought I would but maybe Daryl's right." Dale chimes in causing Mill to silently agree.
"Yeah I would rather not put anymore life's on the line today." Mill adds making Rick look over at her causing Mill to glare.
"Jim's not a monster or some rabid dog." This makes Dales eyes widen and Mill to only cross her arms.
"I'm not suggesting..."
"He's sick. A sick man. We start down that road, where do we draw the line." Rick interrupts the older male trying to reason with him.
"We draw the line for people who aren't a ticking time bomb who could eat our faces while we sleep, I'm sorry Rick but I'm not putting anyone in danger not again." Mill argued much to everyone's surprise causing Mill to glare at them.
"The line's pretty clear. Zero tolerance for walkers. Or them to be." Daryl's comment causing Mill to smirk slightly and glance over at him. Their eyes met for a brief second and upon seeing Mill's smirk Daryl glared, but it wasn't as cold as before.
"What if we can get him help? I heard the C.D.C. was working on a cure." Rick suggests causing Shane to give him an unsure look.
"I heard about that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell." This makes Rick turn to Shane.
"What if the C.D.C. is still up and running?" Rick asked causing Shane to shake his head slightly.
"Man, that's a stretch right there."
"Why? If there's any government left, any structure at all, they'd protect the C.D.C. at all costs, wouldn't they? I think it's our best shot. Shelter protection, rescue..." Rick starts to list off causing Shane to hold up his hand slightly.
"Okay, Rick, you want theses things, all right? So do I. Okay? Now if they exist. They're at Fort Benning." It was more of an answer then a suggestion causing Mill to look over at him.
"That's a hundred miles in the other direction. We don't have enough fuel for both trips." She states causing to look away from her.

"That is right. But it's away from the hot zone. Now listen to me. If that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. We'd be safe." What Shane was saying was in fact true but it wasn't a way to help Jim.
"The military were on the front lines of this thing. They got overrun. We've all seen that. The C.D.C. is our best choice and Jim's only chance." Mill spoke causing the group to look over at the shorter member dumbfounded.

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