Chapter 21

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Branches smacked her in the face and grabbed of her body as she quickly races after the walkers and Mary.
"Mary!" She yelled seeing a walker a couple yards away. Hearing the approaching footsteps It's turns just in time to see Mill's machete jab into its eye. She watches the walker fall to the ground before going back to looking for Mary.
"Mommy!" A scream pierces the the air making Mill whip around in the direction it was coming from. She could feel her heart beating in her ears as she runs over to the sound forcing a walker against the tree as she does so before striking it in the head. Another scream rips through the air causing Mill to turn yet again. Seeing the sight in front of her though Mill stops.
"No..." She whispered before staggering closer her body feeling weak all of the sudden.
"" Her voice starts to get horse as tears pricked her eyes. She slowly sunk down to her knees her machete falling beside her causing the hunched over walkers to look up. Blood dripped from their mouths as they chew on the remaining flesh. They stagger to stand up tripping over their own feet as they do so. Mill doesn't move though she just stares at the forest floor below her. Grass swayed slightly in the cool night breeze as Mill's gaze shifted to her machete beside her. The growling and moaning reach her ears causing her pupils to dilate as anger starts to fill her. She quickly grabs her machete off the ground before standing up and facing the walkers.

She lets out a angered scream as she pushed the closest walker away before swinging and cutting its head in two. Another walker lunges for her causing Mill to grab ahold of its neck. The walkers stench reaches Mill's noise causing her to crinkle it slightly before stabbing the walker in between the eyes. The next one makes It's way over to her snapping its jaws and reaching out. In a fit of rage Mill swings and cuts the walkers hand off causing it to fly somewhere. The walker still comes though causing Mill to push it away making the walker fall to the ground. Taking the opportunity Mill brings her machete down through the walkers head causing it to go limp. She raises the machete again though and brings it down, again, and again, and again.
"Ahh!" She yells out bringing the machete down for the sixteenth and final time. Tears slowly start to run down her face and onto her bloodstained shirt. Her grip slowly loosens around the handle of the blade until they slip into her lap. The forest was silent around her the only sound was the rustling of leaves and grass. No crickets or late night songs of birds only the wind and Mill's silent sobs.

The cool breeze gently moves Mill's hair the way it pleases and she made no move to fix it. She slowly stood up on shaky legs not even bothering to take her machete out of the mush it now sat it. She slowly walks over to where the walkers once where. Her watery eyes look up to at where the walkers feasted making her eyes water more.
"No, no, no, no. Please no." Mill mutters quietly shaking her head as more tears cascaded down her face. She stumbles back a little until her back hits a tree making her slid down it. In front of her chewed and shredded was a deer. Not her little girl.
"Mary, no." She cried not hearing her cry's anymore. Her body began to shake from the cold and she sobs that escape her mouth.
"I should've protected you, I should've been there when you needed me." She cried folding her arms to hug her legs before resting her head on her knees.
"I lost you, the only thing I have left." Her reaches for the items handing around her neck through her tank top and holds onto them tightly.
"I failed you, Alexander. I said I would protect her but now..." the words get stuck in her throat.

Mill hears a twig snap to the right of her but she makes no move to reach for her weapon or to get up.
"Mommy?" A small voice spoke causing Mill to shake her head.
"Mama?" It called again but this time small hands start to pull on her arms. Mill slowly glances up only to see waterfall curls and baby blues.
"Mary." She called in relief pulling the little girl into her making Mary stand between her mother's bent legs.
"Why are you crying mommy, are you hurt?" She asked making Mill kiss the side of her head before shaking hers.
"No, sweetheart. Mommy's okay now." She spoke causing Mary to hold onto her tightly. A low grunt was heard from right causing Mill to look up and see Daryl. Hs baby blues met Mill's doe eyes before his eyes shifted to look around the small clearing to see the dead deer and fallen walkers. His eyes though stopped on the machete that was impaled through mush and the ground. Silence fell over the three of them and by this time Mill was up and carefully holding Mary on her hip.
"Daryl saved me Mommy." Mary spoke as Mill pulled the machete from the ground and what used to be a walker head. She looked up at Daryl through to see him shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Placing the weapon back in its sheath Mill walks over to Daryl and gently puts a hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch.
"Thank you, for saving my little girl." She spoke before her hand left his shoulder causing the redneck to look over at her. Again their eyes met before Daryl turns away and places a hand on the strap of his crossbow. Mill offered him a slightly smile before turning to go back to camp only to stumble and lean against the tree. Mill gently places Mary on the ground before her hand went to her stomach.
"Hey, hey, take it easy." Daryl called from behind picking up Mary as she ran over to him. Mill wincing lifts up her top.
"Shit." She muttered seeing some of the stitches popped. She slowly lowered her top now seeing that some of the blood on it was from her.
"Ya good?" She slowly nods her head before placing a hand on her stomach.
"Just popped some stitches." She answers watching as Daryl walks over to her.
"Well if didn't run and kill all those walkers that wouldn't of happened." He comments causing Mill to glare at him.
"Well when someone you love and care about runs into a forest with man eating monsters chasing them, lets see what you do." Mill fired back. Daryl was about to say something else when a small hand went up to mid mouth.
"No." Mary spoke sternly giving her best glare at Daryl. Causing Mill to smile before the three turned to make their was back to camp.

Once they make back to camp Mill saw Andrea leaning over Amy's lifeless body. Sadness fills her eyes at the scene making her turn away. The remaining group members turn seeing the two figures come out of the tree line only for Carl to run towards Mill.
"No, no, no. Don't hug me just yet." Mill warned causing Carl to stop and look at her. Shane, Rick, and Lori jog over to them seeing how Mill stopped Carl from hugging her.
" weren't?" Mill only shook her head dismissing the question.
"I popped a few stitches it all." She responded causing relief to flash in everyone's eyes.
"Please don't do that again, you had me- us worried sick about you." Shane spoke looking at Mill the two of them blushing slightly.
"I want to sleep in Daryl's tent tonight." Mary's quiet voice spoke making everyone turn to her seeing her still in Daryl's arms. Mill nods slightly looking at her little girl.
"If he says it's okay then it's fine with me." She spoke making Mary look up at Daryl, who silently nods his head before setting the little girl down. By this time everyone had left the three alone.
"Mommy, what about you?" Mary asked making Mill look down at her.
"What do you mean sweetheart?"
"Are you going to sleep with me tonight?" Her question makes Mill freeze slightly before looking up at Daryl slightly.
"I don't think that's a good idea-"
"You can if you wanna." Daryl's gruff voice spoke making Mary's face light up.
"Mommy Mommy, can you. Please." Mary spoke jumping up and down slightly making her mother sigh.
"I guess I can." She wanted to say no seeing how Daryl doesn't like her much but seeing Mary the way she was, Mill couldn't say no.
"I remember why I dug those holes know." Jim's voice broke out causing the group minus Andrea to look around the sea of bodies.

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